UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

On the 2016 BS/MD thread people are saying the UMKC interviews are coming today

hi guys i had a few questions.

  1. what does the email usually say, when a student gets rejected
  2. i shadowed a doctor in indiana a few months ago in the summer, and he gave me a recommendation letter on paper and made 10 hard copies. so how shoould i send these recommendtion letters to umkc
  3. would a recommendation letter from a doctor be worth more than a letterfrom a counselor or teacher

4 if you took all honors/ap classes , do the admissions comittee care a lot about strength or difficulty in courses

  1. and last question, would one c on your high school transcript kill your chances. i had a c+ in ap physics for 2nd semester in junior year.

It’s so weird how some people are getting responses and others haven’t gotten a response yet. Can’t tell if they’re doing an individual “sent” for each person or if it’s by group: in-state, regional, out-of-state separately, etc. When it was by mail it was whenever you got it, so obviously it took longer outside of the state.

Perhaps they’re sending rejections first? Idk

hi guys i had a few questions.

  1. what does the email usually say, when a student gets rejected
  2. i shadowed a doctor in indiana a few months ago in the summer, and he gave me a recommendation letter on paper and made 10 hard copies. so how shoould i send these recommendtion letters to umkc
  3. would a recommendation letter from a doctor be worth more than a letterfrom a counselor or teacher

4 if you took all honors/ap classes , do the admissions comittee care a lot about strength or difficulty in courses

  1. and last question, would one c on your high school transcript kill your chances. i had a c+ in ap physics for 2nd semester in junior year.

ooops sorry i posted that twice

Anyone know how many people are placed on the wait list?

Yea I had roughly 200 hours of shadowing, 33 (almost 34 act) and 4.1 weighted, 3.9 unweighted GPA. Out of state.

The email is just like , thanks for applying. We regret to inform you that you have not been selected as a candidate… Blah blah. Please consider admission to UMKC for undergraduate blah blah.


So to answer your last 4 questions:

    • All your reference forms are submitted online now. They don't have to write a letter, they fill out a form that is online and sent to them by email which you type in there for the program to send to them. You can see how the reference form looked like when it was on paper here: (Page 17). So if you do get an interview, you don't need to (and shouldn't) send anything more.
  1. Not really. And this works the same way in the traditional application process too. They generally want letters of rec from professors.
  2. In the past, they definitely have looked at the rigor of your curriculum.
  3. And no, one "C" on a transcript absolutely will not kill your chances.

@Elemelon, you had 200 hours of physician shadowing alone?

It seems as if they’re sending rejections first because one of my in-state friends got a rejection email recently too.

Ah I am nervous now

Over two different physicians, pediatrician and radiologist, 90 hours and 110 respectively

so, roentgen, im sorry, but i am still very confused about the letter of recommendations process. lets say for example the email of the doctor i shadowed was do i give this email on common app, and then umkc sends a form for him to fill out or what. I am very confused about letter of recommendations

@sandtime4, I am referring to the UMKC BA/MD supplemental application that you fill out, in which the deadlines were October 15 and November 1:

So people have only heard about rejections right?

@Elemelon, sorry I was going by the number of 139 that you had stated in a reply previously in the thread so I was confused. If you want to PM me, I’d be happy to give you some real perspective, if not, I completely understand.

@mscrystal, apparently they’ve sent (are sending) acceptance for interview emails as well, “UMKC has sent acceptance e-mails.” from the official thread at the top of the forum.

Nothing here yet

It would be nice if UMKC did it the way other schools do with everyone finding out on one day, not this whole scattered business.