UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Its frustrating that they make their students go through this

Yeah, I thought the whole point of making things automated (everything online including even the reference forms) was to make things faster in terms of getting the result. Seems to be really no different than just waiting for snail mail, honestly. Other programs, I believe UAB according to the above threads, notify all on 1 day I believe. I would have thought all the results for you guys would come out at once, esp. for in-staters. It’s usually out-of-state that lags.

Still nothing on the Missouri side

So maybe today is only out-of-state/regional interview, no interview, and waitlist (if there is one).

I am OOS but nothing here

I just called UMKC and asked when in-state people will find out. The lady who picked up said that they are trying to send all emails by the end of the day today, but she can’t guarantee anything because the emails have to be sent out individually.

I got wait listed and I’m out of state

Sadness slowly sinking in Lolol

@somuawan So sorry to hear that. You have great things in your future I’m sure! It’s not UMKC or nothing. It will be okay!

Ah, ok. They’re being sent individually by one person. Quite ridiculous when there are automated services to just mass e-mail things like this. That’s how other universities do it since it’s impossible to have 1 individual do every single last letter and click send thousands of times.

@somuwan, how does the waitlist work? Are you just put into the regular deadline group who finds out in January? Oh, and trust me as an out-of-stater, nothing to be sad about.

I just called and they said theres a chance we could get the emails tomorrow morning

I’m probably going to call them in a couple of days when things get more relaxed to inquire about the wait list and maybe they can tell me my spot.

@somuawan, yes that’s probably the best thing. I don’t know how it works in terms of the waitlist for interviews, when they have a regular deadline batch to process for January.


Me too!!! Got an interview!!

Congrats @Watang and @mscrystal!!! I guess in-state responses are also being done today as well.

Interviews are being held from Feb. 29-March 3. We must confirm which date we want by January 13th.

Probably so that by the time the regular deadline applicants are notified in late January, they know which dates they can offer them for the remaining spots.

Got an interview as well. Thanks @Roentgen and everyone else. :slight_smile:
Have a great New Year

Thank you for your help @Roentgen !!!