UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

@OmniaMed I actually heard it was around 2,000 applicants this year which should make all of us more motivated to finish the job and get accepted

@ watang Wow, that makes you all that much more special to be picked for an interview! Good luck

I’ve been getting messages as to what I copied and pasted verbatim above with regards to the UMKC MMI, “non-cognitive factors identified as important to consider in admissions” and “Each interview station is designed to assess a specific characteristic, trait or competency”. So let me explain: First of all, there isn’t one concrete hardcore list, but here are some links that I think go into good detail about what are the characteristics/traits/competencies (whatever you want to call them - it’s all the same thing) that they’re looking for to be displayed.

Remember, at this point your COGNITIVE traits have already been turned in and assessed - your transcript, your GPA, your high school class rank, your ACT or SAT scores, yada yada and you got your interview. They are not factored into the MMI portion, since that is not its purpose. The interviewer is blinded to your application when you do the MMI, but make sure at least by the night or two before your interview, you have read over your ECs (esp. healthcare ECs) and familiarized yourself with your personal statement and essays, as you may be asked to draw on your personal experiences when answering questions at a station. I do recommend printing out your UMKC BA/MD supplemental application and keep it with you to review the few days before. (Look under “What It Is/What It Isn’t”)

They say we can dress business casual, but I’m assuming we should wear a suit

@Watang, so “business casual” can mean a lot of things to different people across the spectrum. See my “Interview Dress Code” post in the thread for further information, but pretty much yes, a business suit:, not something way too formal like a tuxedo.

It’s always better to slightly overdress than underdress. Don’t go all out in terms of brands and spending, this is NOT that type of function, and seriously no one cares. You can get an idea here: (so in this one - business). You’ll likely want to hang up your suit jacket, while you’re going thru each of the stations of the MMI.

Go to a store like Macy’s, Dillards, Sears, Men’s Wearhouse, etc. where they have retail employees who can do your measurements so you can pick the size closest to what you are and then try them on so you can walk in it, see how well it fits, etc. It should fit well, you should be comfortable in it, and be able to walk and move around without feeling restricted in motion. You’ll be doing a lot of walking on interview day so making sure things fit will be even more important. Probably best to go with a parent (let’s face it - most likely mom, lol). I’m sure all the clothes stores are having sales right now because of President’s Day is tomorrow, so you’ll get x% off.

Hey guys-

Just wanted to say congrats to anyone who got an interview. Its an definitely something to take pride in,as it is hopefully one step closer to getting accepted. I just want to remind all of you as the interview approaches is that this is your time to put your face and personality to the resume you submitted. By now, all of you should be aware that most of you look the same on you application (great GPA, ACT, and alot of extracurricular). So I think it is really important to note that you must show your distinguishing qualities to stand out from the other applicants. So good luck guys! I wish you well. 1st year has been pretty exciting and it truly is something becoming friends with people for all across the states. Keep being the amazing student and person you are because that’s what has gotten you this far. Any questions just hit me up! Dont be shy, that gets you know where in life :wink:

New Letter from SOM Arrived in the Mail Today:

@AtticusFinchh, thank you for posting that! I’m sure they included this, but here is the UMKC Volker campus map: The official address of the UMKC Student Union is 5100 Cherry St., Kansas City, MO 64110 to put in your Google Maps. It looks like the Parking Garage and the Student Union are on the same road (Cherry Street) and within walking distance of eachother. You’ll know you’re on the right road as you’ll see either the soccer field/running track OR you’ll see Linda Hall Library on the side, depending on which direction you’re coming up from on Cherry Street.

Especially with this new interviewing system with stations (so that means it HAS to start on time because it’s all timed), it’s important that you get there on time and bring what you need (calculator, pen/pencil, padfolio to take notes in, etc.). Set 3 morning alarms if you have to so you don’t oversleep, and get there early to relax and collect your thoughts, as there will likely be traffic.

As a waitlisted applicant, how long should I wait?
When would be the latest that I get my answer back?

@sss0296, do you know what the deadline is for the regular deadline people to schedule their interview?

I believe it’s early march, but the email i received said that the result regarding my waitlisted status be known in february. @Roentgen

@sss0296, it can’t be early March as by that time, the interviews are over, since they are from Feb. 29 - March 3. Maybe someone in the regular deadline group here can tell us what is the deadline date they have to say yes/no, and schedule by looking at their documentation.

Friday, February 5 was the last day to accept or decline an offer (I applied by the regular deadline).

Does anyone know how many out of state students apply to the program/are invited to interview?

@6ofhearts, they don’t give a total number of applicants & interviewees per geographic pool, just totals:

@Roentgen Okay, thanks! I looked at the FAQs but was just curious about the geography stats

Hey guys! I’m a 1st year in this program and just wanted to let you know that the interviews are not that difficult and you all will do great if you just relax. Honestly, it is probably worse if you overthink the questions or over talk the questions than to just be yourself and speak honestly on how you feel and think. They aren’t looking for well rehearsed answers, they are looking for honest and passionate answers.

Good luck everyone! And let me know if you have questions!

@Roentgen , so do you think there will now be a very slight chance of my status change?

hi everyone? for those that have been through the UMKC interviews already, do you know if we are allowed pen and paper to write things down during the MMI interviews? thanks!

@sss0296, honestly, I’m not quite sure. It seems like once you’re on the waitlist, it’s kind of a limbo situation, where you’re kind of waiting on them, which of course you can’t wait forever. Each pool, in-state, regional, and out-of-state would have their own waitlist. So for example, if you’re in-state and on the waitlist, you would only be replacing another in-stater who declined the interview. Same with out-of-state. If you’re on that waitlist, it has to be another out-of-stater that declines, to keep all the interviewing pool numbers in check. Have they said you would no longer receive any more updates? I would genuinely call or email and cordially ask what your status is. It’s 11 days before so it’s not at all unreasonable on your part to ask at this point.

@bdoyal, please see @OmniaMed’s response to @farehahasan, who asked this: