UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Crunchtime ladies and gentlemen

I just got an email about the UMKC Honors College. Does that have anything to do with 6 year med students?

@Watang, no, the UMKC Honors College is separate from the UMKC School of Medicine. It’s an undergrad type of thing. You can find out more information here: Just based on high school academic stats, most people who make it into the BA/MD program are people who would likely do well academically in undergrad, and thus would be eligible for the Honors College and potentially graduate with University Honors and/or as an Honors Scholar, again at the undergraduate level. It allows you to take “Honors” sections of certain courses, although there isn’t an added weighted GPA like there is in high school for Honors/AP/IB courses. It’s pretty much more with added discussion, independent study, and maybe a senior thesis project.

So theres no need to apply for it or anything?

@Watang, so I believe there is an application process:, since it’s now called the Honors College vs. the Honors Program as it was called before (same difference), where you just signed up for the Honors section of the course if you wanted to and then could potentially graduate with undergrad Honors if you amassed enough Honors course section credits. The priority deadline is by March 15th for the Fall, although after that it will be considered on a space-available basis. It’s something that can be easily done at home AFTER your interview is over. The only thing extra you’d have to do is their particular essay about 500-700 words. Your application to the UMKC Honors College at the undergraduate Volker campus will not in any way impact the application process in the BA/MD program. They’re both very separate processes.

Thank you for your helpful guidance.

@bdoyal I emailed the school to ask about if we would be allowed to take notes and they said we will not. They also said that we would be provided with all necessary interview supplies with the exception of a calculator.

@Asoles111 Thank you for the verification! I know we weren’t expecting paper/pens in the first place, but good to hear an official confirmation. Good luck, especially to “Team 2/29”! :wink:

@AtticusFinchh Team 3/1 better fam

Any good resources for the Toledo Chemistry Exam?

@Watang, see my post:

Does anyone know how many people got interviews this year?

@Roo-MKC Somewhere in the 300s

@Watang Okay so although a larger pool, same amount of interviwees. Good to know. Thanks!

@Roo-MKC Sure thing!

Anyone else freaking out lol?

As interviews approach, I would like to wish all of you good luck. A lot of people say don’t be nervous, but I think its kind of inevitable to not have nerves. One piece of advice I would give is to try to stay calm and if you get stuck on the question, just pause, slow down and regroup and recollect your thoughts. You are given more time than you think so pace yourself at each station. There is no need to rush through any question because you will forget something you wanted to say. I feel like my first station was my roughest one because my anticipation and nerve build up just got the best of me, but then as we proceeded along I could really got into my zone because I was more comfortable and relaxed. No need to worry guys!! It is not as bad as people hype it up to be! Good luck

Latest Email (02/25/2016, evening):

*"Dear Prospective UMKC B.A./M.D. Student,

We look forward to welcoming you on campus for your B.A./M.D. interview next week. Please review the below information and attachments prior to your arrival.

Technical Standards
Please sign, scan, and email back the attached Technical Standards form. If you are unable to scan and email a copy to the School of Medicine you may bring a psychical copy to your interview day.

Parking Information
Interviews will take place at the UMKC Student Union on the Volker Campus. The UMKC Student Union is located at 5100 Cherry Street, Kansas City, MO, 64110. You may park in the Cherry Street Parking Garage located at the corner of 50th Street and Oak Street. You may park in any of the non-metered parking spots in the parking garage, and take the pedestrian walkway from the 5th floor of the garage to the Student Union. You should have received a parking pass in the mail. Please hang the blue parking pass on your rear view mirror on your interview day. If you did not receive a pass we will have one ready for you at check in.

Check-in will begin no earlier than 7:15, and we ask that all candidates check-in by 7:45 a.m. Check-in is on level 2 of the UMKC Student Union.

Also attached are directions to the UMKC Volker Campus and a map with the parking garage and UMKC Student Union highlighted.

If you have any questions prior to your interview day, please feel free to contact the School of Medicine Office of Admissions at 816-235-1870 or We look forward to seeing you on your interview day!


Brian Steele, M.S. Ed.

Admissions Coordinator
UMKC School of Medicine
2411 Holmes Street
Kansas City, MO 64108
p: 816-235-1783
f: 816-235-6579"*


Go Team 2/29! “Leap” your way into success!! :))

Just make sure you guys bring the physical copy and not the “psychical” copy. Having it stored in your brain will probably be hard to turn it in to them. =)).

I don’t know why they didn’t just include the Technical Standards sheet as part of the application, like they’ve always done in the past, or at least have hardcopies available on the day of the interview which people can just sign right there.

To those who might ask, the Cherry Street Parking Garage is on Cherry Street, but its borders are 50th Street/Cherry Street/Oak Street (with entrances/exits into the parking structure from each of those 3 streets, depending on which direction you’re coming from), which is why its official address is different (5005 Oak Street):

You can see here:, it’s on the corner of Oak Street and East 50th Street.

You can see here how it looks like from the outside so you know you’re in the right place (it will say Cherry Street Garage on the front of the building):

Don’t forget your free parking pass! They definitely ticket. @OmniaMed had a great idea, the day before your interview, drive to the garage so you know how to get there the next morning, if you’re staying at a hotel nearby.