UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Yeah @mscrystal I got the email at 5:30 today!


I got accepted!

Does anyone know the probability of getting off the waitlist?

Wow, I didn’t realize UMKC BA/MD decisions were coming out today!! I thought it was going to be next week. I was wondering what happened with the sudden explosion of responses on the thread here. There is going to be a lot of flux in the next month with respect to people accepting and rejecting their offer, so please hold on tight. The national date is April 1 for all programs. If you got an acceptance, you have 1 month (plus 1 week, apparently, lol), to decide whether or not to accept the program’s offer, as many people have applied to several programs and need to make decisions when it comes to comparing different combined programs as well as medical schools – financial aid, curriculum, etc.

@Watang, @om12345

It really depends from year to year. Those who were admitted have until May 2nd to make their decision on their offer, since May 1 is a weekend day. Once the school knows the people who have finally accepted their offer, then they go to the alternate/waitlist, if the number of people who accepted the offer in a particular pool is still below the total number of students allocated for that specific pool (in-state, regional, out-of-state) in a matriculating class. It’s pretty difficult to predict how far they’ll go down the wait list in any particular year, as 1) the school does not tell where you are on the wait list, and 2) we have no idea what people’s other options are in terms of Bachelor/MD programs and undegraduate programs. Since a lot of students are applying to so many other BS/MD programs – Drexel, VCU, Miami, SLU Med Scholars, those in their home state, etc. People will be putting together all the info. they need to make a well informed decision — finances, talking/communicating with current students or alumni, etc. together this month, so there can be a LOT of flux in terms of people given an acceptance and those who actually end up matriculating.

So there is no way they will inform kids before May?

CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who got accepted to UMKC’s program … and for those of you on the waitlist, don’t lose hope as it moves EVERY year :).

I hope things work out for everyone! :slight_smile:


Most likely not, because the school has to be able to have a firm number in hand of how many people have accepted their offer and committed to going, from each pool, before turning to the waitlist, if needed, to get to their target numbers. The national consensus date for every college student to accept or reject any offer is May 1 (or in this case, May 2, because May 1 falls on Sunday). Once that is confirmed, the school can THEN go down the proper number of spots on the waitlist to be able to fill in those gaps. Without that confirmation, as to who actually accepted the offer, the school would naturally have no idea who is coming. Hope this makes sense.

@Roentgen Oh ok that makes sense. Is the waitlist regional based as well?

Does anyone know how many people got wait listed? Also are there separate wait lists for out of state, regional, and in state, or is it all one big wait list?

@Watang, @Maisy1314, so it’s 3 separate waitlists: one waitlist for the in-state pool, one waitlist for the regional pool, and one waitlist for the out-of-state pool. Based on who accepts or doesn’t by May 2nd, they have to go to that particular list of the person they’re replacing. So if a regional person doesn’t accept the BA/MD offer, they have to be replaced by another regional person. An in-state person who rejects the offer, can’t be replaced by a regional or out-of-state student, they can only be replaced by another in-state student. This is because the numbers they need for in-state, regional, out-of-state in one class, have already been decided long in advance and they have to stick to those preset numbers to have the proper mix. So it’s like 3 separate silos none of which affect the other two.

It really sucks that they don’t give the waitlist ranking. Is there any point to email UMKC and show them that you still have interest?

@Watang, I don’t think there is a point really, since they probably already have the waitlist tabulated in terms of ranking, since they already have however much each component of the admissions process contributes to the final score. You definitely could send a nice, brief email saying that you are still very much interested in attending - I don’t see how that would hurt. They don’t give waitlist rankings out anymore (based on looking at the thread) like they used to, because it’s kind of pointless to do so, when you think about it. Does it really matter if you’re #4 on the waitlist, when they maybe only needed to go down ranks #1 - #3 on that list (I’m completely making this entire example up FYI)? It would just bring people’s hopes up again unnecessarily, when this is enough of an emotional roller coaster ride as it is, for what is essentially an alternate route, that only 1% to at max 2% of the entire med student population takes.

I realize many high school students are quick to label this program their “dream” program in their heads based on their relatively young inexperience, but I can’t emphasize enough, students applying these days have a lot more options available to them. Missouri alone has 4 BS/MD programs – SLU Med Scholars, UMKC, Wash U University Scholars, and Mizzou Bryant Scholars (rural students), not to mention the tons in other states. And I know this may come as a shock to some of you guys (and gals), but there are definitely people who get an acceptance to this particular BA/MD program, and still decide to go thru the traditional route (and succeed!), for a variety of very good reasons, not the least of which is cost. Hence, why I was saying there will probably be quite a bit of flux, especially after April 1, when everyone is sitting down an evaluating things thoroughly after the initial haze of excitement has worn off.

Congratulations to everyone who has been accepted! :slight_smile: Have any of you already submitted your advanced deposit? If so, where can the deposit form be located? I’ve been searching around the portal for it without much luck. Thank you, and congratulations again!!

@yenluu98, I’m guessing you’ve checked all around in the student portal? It should all be there regarding major options, fall coursework, transfer credit, housing, orientation, etc. So the advanced deposit you’re referring to would fall under housing. There are some tasks you’ll have to complete before starting in the fall, but once again that should all be in your student portal. And of course, you can always kindly email or call them tomorrow as well if you didn’t find it.

Hello friends, it’s kind of ironic how the first time I visit this page after my interview is also the day some admissions decisions were mailed out! Anyways, I got accepted!! I’m so relieved right now, this has certainly been a journey since beginning my application nearly 6 months ago ( I apologize if that sounds corny lol). I’m excited to meet all of you who were also accepted, and to those rejected/wait-listed, best of luck on whatever happens! @Roentgen, you have been incredibly helpful to all of us during this process, and your objective POV when giving insight was much appreciated. Good luck to everyone!

I’m in-state, btw.

@Watang It’s unpredictable, I was on the regional wait list until the middle of June.

@ElliotPiano Did you get in?

You’re welcome, @farehahasan! Congratulations to you as well! No, it’s not corny at all!! I feel like I’ve been riding this roller coaster along with you guys (and gals) since early fall. It truly has been a journey in so many ways for you all, at such a young age. It also gives me a great excuse to be able to use the iPad at the dinner table, much to the chagrin of my wife. ha ha. You all have been truly great this year, probably one of the best years on record in terms of questions being asked, both by applicants and by parents, and being so helpful to each other in the thread, which then helps future applicants.

I’m more than happy to give hindsight, observations, perspective, and advice (both from myself and from others I knew in the program), which honestly, I wish I would have had, as I was going thru the initial process of first applying to Bachelor/MD programs, and then deciding whether or not to matriculate into one. Trust me, I definitely can understand all the perceived stresses and pressures you all have on you at this age, so it’s much easier for me to tell you what’s actually coming at the end of the tunnel, both in terms of the program, and as a physician in general – both to applicants and to their parents. I think these are the critical links that are missing so often, with applicants that apply to Bachelor/MD programs, not thru any fault of their own. It does make admissions decisions like these that much harder for you, and can feel much more impulse-driven and fear-based, when you have incomplete information, which as you know, is not the best way to make informed and rational decisions.

Some of you lucky people after this next week, will be in the enviable position of having more than one Bachelor/MD acceptance from which to choose from, which will make it even more important for you to truly compare programs and medical schools side-by-side in these next 5 weeks. I’m more than happy to help people in any way in that regard, when it comes to comparing and deciding. For those that only have an acceptance to the UMKC BA/MD program and are genuinely deciding whether it’s worth going to, over the traditional route, I am also available to give advice for that as well, as well as being a physician and/or medicine in general.