UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Hey guys! I am a current student at UMKC Med, and I am a peer mentor in charge of making the Facebook page for the Class of 2022. We have decided to hold off on making the page until after all students have officially accepted their offers of admission (so after May 1). So in case you are looking for the page, wait until after that date to look! However, if any of you have questions, feel free to email any of the peer mentors (our emails are on the peer mentor tab of the admissions website after you login). Congratulations to all of you!

Also, @Roentgen and @Blugrn6, is only Biology BA, Chemistry BA, and Liberal Arts BA allowed as degrees?


Actually it’s funny that you mention the University of Michigan. They used to actually have a 6 year medical program called Inteflex, which is now defunct: So the only thing the UMKC medical school has similar to your Michigan answers link is this: A lot of questions that people tend to have can be seen there. Some of them do answer the questions from the “35 Questions I Wish I had Asked” AAMC list.

In terms of actual standardized exam(s) to be able to track your progress towards Step 1 in the first 3 years of the program, we don’t really have anything like that in place, unfortunately, at this time. We do take a standardized exam called the Comprehensive Basic Sciences Exam (CBSE), but that is taken late in Year 4 and serves more as a required hoop to jump through and achieve a certain score, in order to be allowed to sign up for and take boards. So by then, it’s too late to use as a measure of progression. We also took the CBSE for practice at the beginning of Year 3 in August, but that’s when you’ve only had Biochem, the Anatomies, and Physiology up to that point, and before you’ve taken Med Micro, Med Neuro, Path, Pharm, Behavioral, so it’s effectively useless. I’m assuming you were referring to something the school provides students so they can see their relative strengths or weaknesses, early on in their medical education for Step 1, as classes are going on.

There are US medical schools that have their students take all of the preclinical/basic science shelf exams during their first 2 years – in fact, K.U. Med does this (or at least they did). This explains pretty well what a shelf exam is: They are standardized final exams made of retired subject specific USMLE questions, which give a pretty good idea as to your handle of that particular subject matter, and the literature has shown they’re pretty predictive of later Step 1 performance. As of now, we do not currently take any of the shelf exams in the basic sciences - except for Behavioral Science. We used to take it for Pathology, but I believe UMKC students no longer take that one either. Then in Year 5, we take the shelf exams for Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Surgery, OB-Gyn, and Psychiatry, but all med students in the country in their clinical year take the shelf exams, so that’s not really anything different.

I realize you didn’t ask this, as your questions (I’m assuming) were mainly talking about Step 1, but another thing that has changed very recently at UMKC, is there is now a new filtering process for being able to sign up for Step 2 CK. Your scores on your standardized Year 5 shelf exams are now inserted into a specific formula, to decide whether you’re allowed to sign up for Step 2 CK, or do whatever remediation that is necessary to be allowed to sign up: I don’t know whether this new policy came about because our students’ board scores or our pass rate on Step 2 CK were dropping, or for another reason. Just something to keep in mind, as usually it’s only Step 1 that has been our problem, with Step 2 CK being a mere afterthought.

@sweetjujubes, my understanding is that only those 3 degrees are allowed, as they are best able to fit into the confines of the 6 year curriculum, as it currently is now.

Did anybody else get an email from the School of Medicine?

@slimybananas420 I know of one in-state person who got rejected.

I have good news… And bad news.

Looks like I got in

But I’ll have to take general chemistry over the summer…

@slimybananas420 Are you in-state?

I’m in the regional pool. I think I got my provisional admission early because apparently I got a score of 39 on the Toledo, so I guess they send these out before others.

I am an oos applicant from Michigan and I got placed on the alternate list, how large is the list?

Doesn’t the school of medicine close at 5? How are they sending admission decisions?

@Watang When they sent out decisions for interviews, they sent some after 5. I think the rest might be sent tomorrow though.

Do you know when your friend got rejected?

Around 5 PM

Mine came at 4:30 pm

Oh dang starting to get nervous lol

They have to customize each email which is why it takes longer. I just hope all decisions are out by tomorrow!

Do you think they are even sending anymore today?

I’m a regional from IL and I got accepted!

@Watang I hope so!
@KShah06 Did you receive your email recently?