UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Tomorrow, May 2nd, is the last day to make a decision to either accept or reject your offer. If you guys have any questions, please ask!

@Roentgen I thought today was the last day? I was under the impression that tomorrow was the first day they extended offers to waitlisted people

@Watang, nope: “Applicants that have been offered admission to the School of Medicine have until May 2, 2016 to make a decision. Offers of admission to alternate students will be ongoing until the desired class size is reached. The application for fall 2017 will be available in August,” since May 1st this year falls on a weekend.

After May 2nd, they’ll have to look to see how many students accepted the offer of admission, how many seats remain in the class, and then begin extending offers to students on the waitlist for each pool and go down as many spots as they need to. My guess is it won’t all be finished in a day on May 3rd, but maybe they’ll surprise me.

Huh on the email they gave me they said after May 1st. Weird

@Watang, well if anyone comes off of the waitlist it would technically be after May 1st, but it may not be on May 2nd (since the deadline hasn’t closed and they probably only want to do this process of filling in spots once when everything is finalized, and not multiple times) and it may not be automatically on May 3rd either, as they have to print out a roster, make sure everything is ok, verify it, and then go back to the waitlists if needed. My guess is that it will happen thru out this week though.

As mentioned on the website, it will be a rolling process until they fill up the difference, since they probably already have each pool’s waitlist numbered from 1 on down. My guess is most people by now have gone in the student portal to accept or reject their offer.

@Roentgen Now that decision day has passed, do you have any advice moving forward?

@2022md, actually today is the last day to make the decision for the UMKC program.

Oh, and that advice will be coming sometime this week. :wink:

Any chance they’re extending offers today?

Yesterday was the last day to accept, so I’d assume today would be the day where offers are extended. Maybe they will send them around the time admission decisions were sent out (around 4-4:30 pm)

UMKC always making us wait smh

Just remember for waitlist change notification, there is no “deadline” like there is with April 1 and May 1, which are more consensus dates among colleges/universities as to when to notify students and when to notify universities. I believe someone in the thread had even mentioned a case this year in which a person got into the program 2 weeks after classes had already started (Yikes!), as likely someone just dropped UMKC very last minute, with no prior warning given (never a good thing to do by the way, least of which is just basic common courtesy).

Also someone might have gotten onto the UMKC BA/MD waitlist, but gotten in somewhere else whether it’s a regular undergrad or Bachelor/MD, so UMKC Med would contact the person, then that person would naturally reject that offer from UMKC (since they already accepted somewhere else), so then UMKC Med would have to contact the next person down on the list. It’s a slower process on purpose.

The Facebook group hasn’t changed whatsoever, so does that mean no offers were extended today?


Here is what the peer mentor posted before:

I took it to mean once EVERYONE accepts the BA/MD offer (including those who come off of the waitlist).

@Roentgen The Facebook group has already been made it already has 72 members

It’s funny if you type in “UMKC class of 2021” this year’s BA/MD class pops up, but if you type in “UMKC class of 2022” nothing pops up. You have to type in the entire name “UMKC School of Medicine: Class of 2022”.

Not all of them are Year 1s of course – some are Peer Mentors/Admins.

@Roentgen Yep. Guess all we can do is wait

Hey guys, so I wanted to repeat my request from 12-30-2015, now that the interview season is over. Please paste in the thread your information if you got accepted into the UMKC BA/MD program, or even if you didn’t get accepted or were waitlisted, so that future applicants are able to gauge their chances this upcoming fall, or for those just starting looking into BA/MD programs early in high school to get ideas on examples of what to do. College Confidential is only as helpful as its members so if you especially feel the thread was helpful, please give back in turn.

If you wish to not have your information linked directly with your CC username, feel free to PM it to me. I can also alter the specific CV to where there isn’t a listing of a specific name of a program or institution, etc. once again for anonymity purposes. I will send it back to the person thru PM for final approval before I then paste it into the thread. I WILL NOT post it without your final approval. Thus it will help freshmen, sophomore, and juniors, even the ones who are lurking and interested (God help them) in applying to this program and many other programs, as well as see the stats of people getting interviews from the in-state, regional, and out-of-state pools. It will also help people in seeing the different ECs out there in not only applying for medicine, but which ones are very realistic in terms of how medicine is like.

For those who have already done so and posted way back in December, I will PM you guys, and thank you, I figured it would be easier to do this at the end of the season since the new application doesn’t come until August. Obviously this is all 100% voluntary, and you can fill out as much as you are comfortable with, but obviously the more information, the more helpful it will be.

GPA: unweighted and weighted
Class Rank: x out of y

ACT score: English: xxx; Math: xxx; Reading: xxx; Science: xxx ; Composite: xxx

SAT score: Math: xxx; Critical Reading xxx ; Writing xxx ; Total: xxx

Senior year AP’s:

# of LORs/Reference forms submitted:

Applicant Pool: In-state, Regional, Out-of-State

High School/College Activities and Leadership w/# of hours
– school sponsored clubs and organizations, community related activities, volunteer experience and/or community service, and work experience

Health Experiences w/# of hours
– health-related activities including clubs and organizations; volunteer or work experience in a hospital, doctor’s office, nursing home, or other health-related facility; shadowing experience (includes shadowing of any health-care professional); participation in structured or formal health-related programs; medical or health-related research; and other health-related experiences that may contribute to your interest in medicine

Received Interview? Yes or No

Final Result: Accepted/Waitlisted/Denied

I got accepted!!!

Congratulations @Watang!!! Was definitely crossing my fingers and rooting for you buddy!!! <:-P