UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

@Roentgen Thank you for everything!

Watang, congrats . So happy for you .

@Watang Congratulations. Your dream has come true and you waited so long and did not give up and it paid off. Enjoy and best wishes.

@Watang, no problem!!! More than happy to help. I know you were pretty nervous (understatement of the year, right?) and waiting intently, which is never easy in this process. Thank you for your active participation and good contributions in the thread from the beginning for this application cycle. I’m glad that current students in the program are also coming back and actively contributing to the thread as well.

Congrats, @Watang. I was so hoping you would get in.

Thank you guys!

Congrats @Watang !

Thanks @Roentgen !

My teacher found out about it through their prior students. It wasn’t free (as you probably would expect). I then uploaded my completed UMKC application and then my referees uploaded my letters of reference directly as well. I could see that the feedback comments came from but the actual e-mail address of the person was blurred out.

Also, yes, that’s the EXACT calculator I used which told me I had an ~70% chance of receiving an interview !!!

@sapuos, where is this calculator??!?!? I saw that other new thread posted in this forum ( and I literally had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. I’ve looked all over the UMKC website but was unable to find it. Is this it? (it’s free though but not sponsored thru UMKC).

Are you allowed to personally deliver the $100 to the school of medicine, or do you have to mail it?

Are you talking about a deposit or as a personal gift to them for accepting you :)) ? If it’s some type of deposit, you usually mail it in a check (never mail cash) which is most appropriate. I’m assuming here that there isn’t an online way to do it by charging to a credit card, like thru Pathway or something. If there is, obviously use that.

@Roentgen Deposit lol. Yeah they make it sorta open ended so Im just gonna email them about it

@Watang, I’m sure they’ll take cash donations as well, if you’re feeling charitable. LOL. But yeah, better to do it sooner rather than later, since the non-refundable deposit technically “holds” your spot. I can’t remember, I think in my time, it went either towards dorm fees or tuition, I can’t remember which. And of course, make sure you sign up for a freshman orientation date so that you can sign up for classes. Until you complete orientation, a hold is put on your account in terms of being able to sign up for classes.

Wow Watang!. Great News. Was hoping that you would get through. Been checking every couple of days Congratulations!!

@sapuos I have been eager to ask you about how and where to submit full application for prior review before the actual submission. Could you please elaborate for me? It would be of great help. I am a junior now. Will be applying for 2017

@Roentgen Now that the deadline to accept has officially passed, any advice for incoming students? :smiley:

@2022md, ha ha, good lord you people are antsy. :-B LOL. I’m still working on my essays/soliloquies. It will be this early next week (so I have time on the weekend to put finishing touches on them so I haven’t left anything out). I will say this: One will be a list of tips and advice, as well as common mistakes that I believe BA/MD students tend to make while in this program – whether it’s how they initially approach the program mentally, in terms of how they interact with others in their BA/MD class, etc.

Another will be a list of what I call “life skills” that I think are important for BA/MD students to have conquered before starting school officially on August 22, just because there isn’t this undergraduate to med school separation like there is in other combined degree programs in which you have quite a bit of time to work on those skills. In many ways you kind of do hit the ground running although it’s manageable. I think that will also more help the parents on this forum when it comes to what to teach their kids over the summer that are directly applicable on how to do some of those things you need to be able to do without problems, that kids tend to take for granted as it is usually done by parents - being able to drive, being able to shop for groceries (buying 20 tv dinners doesn’t count), being able to balance a checkbook and pay bills on time, etc.

In the meantime, I will post this from the website, which will probably be discussed at your orientation. They updated it for this year, since an Orientation already occurred in April:, which you can read over and ask any questions in the meantime, if you have any. Someone posted the 2015 Orientation packet from last year as well on the thread and several of us responded to what we thought of different sections. It’s probably the same one from last year, overall. You can also see the 2015-2016 Handbook here: (Realize you’ll get a new, updated one for this upcoming 2016-2017 academic year, but it serves as a good baseline to start from).

@2022md, if you have any questions on what is in the 2 links above, in the meantime, I and others are happy to answer them as well.

Hi @Roentgen,

I emailed several UMKC alumni grads, like you advised in the thread, and one of the things I asked about was Step 1 and how well they thought the school prepared them for it. I kind of got different answers from different people – some said the school did a bad job in preparing them, others said it was ok and served its purpose, no one really said it was very great or excellent at preparing them for it. One person even said that it’s more dependent on you, and your school doesn’t really have an effect. Is that really true? I was a little confused so thought I would ask here. How long do people usually study before taking the exam and when do they take it? How well do classes prepare students for boards, at least while you were there? I’m in-state for what its worth and will be applying this year.

@smores98 My brother told me that the school didn’t really prepare him. He says it is more dependent on the person