UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Excellent. Thanks @Roentgen . I got in Pathway.
We can check status at Self-Service->Student Admissions->Application Status.

Due date on UMKC website for transcript showing 1/1/1900 on my pathway? What is this? Also, where do I check my recc letters, it is not on the pathway they provided?

@sampil, I’m not sure about the weird date appearing on your Pathway account regarding the date of receipt of your high school transcript. Clearly it’s an error. Is there like a checkmark or anything showing that it has actually been received? That’s all that really matters on your end. I would just confirm by phone call AND email to the main university admissions office (( that it has in fact been received.

See my post above, Post #5837. The Pathway Checklist is only used for confirmation of receipt of your high school transcript and official ACT/SAT score report. It says, “The Pathway Checklist will only show the status of your test scores and transcripts, and will not show the status of any other application materials. (To check the status of all other application materials, please review Step 6 below.)”. I think they actually meant Step 5: Check the Status of Your Application, since there is no Step 6 currently listed there: So for your reference forms, to check that you at least have the minimum 3 completed for a complete application, you can call and email UMKC Medicine Office of Admissions which you can find on the left-hand column.

On a completely separate note, congratulations to this thread, in the Multiple Degree Programs subforum, for getting 1 MILLION VIEWS since its creation in November 2004 (1,000,302 to be exact and counting) and still running strong! <:-P <:-P :O) :O) :O) B-) >:) :ar! :bz :(|) 8-X 8-X 3:-O ~:> :-B

@Roentgen Hello I am kind of freaking out now!!! I still haven’t sent my high school transcript because I updating volunteer hours and fixing mistakes on my transcript. I am planning on sending them tomorrow once they are finished. I live in Florida, so it is going to take a long time for the paper transcript to get to Missouri. Is there any way that UMKC accepts electronically sent high school transcripts? I know the deadline is November 1st and I need to make sure I have everything there by November 1st. If there is a way to send ELECTRONICALLY, how do I make sure they get sent electronically?


So I think your paper high school transcript will probably reach there in time by November 1st by snail mail if it’s mailed tomorrow, but I think the electronic version of the transcript in the meantime (while the paper version is arriving) should suffice so it can count as being received. I don’t know how updating volunteer hours on your BA/MD application has anything to do with your transcript. They’re separate processes.

I would send your transcript BOTH ways — one by snail mail and one electronically by email from your high school registrar’s office that handles transcripts. UMKC now even sends their institution’s transcripts electronically as an option, so this shouldn’t be a problem in terms of receiving an electronic transcript:

I would have your school send the electronic version of your transcript to 2 emails:

  1. the main university’s admissions email: since you’re a domestic student

  2. to the UMKC School of Medicine Office of Admissions email which you can find on the left hand column:

while your paper version of your transcript is arriving in snail mail. The paper version of your transcript can be mailed to this address under Step 2:

I would then call over to the main university’s admissions office to confirm that your electronic transcript has been received and that it is updated in your UMKC Pathway checklist as having been received.

@littlemonster39, just so it is clear from above, your high school registrar or whoever handles transcripts at your high school has to send the transcript electronically, not you personally (which obviously won’t count for obvious reasons).

@littlemonster39: what about requesting transcript via Naviance? Is your high school using Naviance?

Hey guys (and gals), you have exactly ONE week from today to submit the UMKC BA/MD supplemental application on November 1st (although don’t wait all the way till that date). All of these should be RECEIVED by that date:

a completed UMKC General App
a completed UMKC BA/MD Supplemental App
a High School Transcript
an official ACT/SAT score report
at least 3 completed Reference Forms in order to have a complete application

If you have evaluators who haven’t filled out the reference form online yet, remind them that it’s getting very close to your deadline and that you need it completed in time in order for your application to be considered complete and on time.

Same with transcript & testing score report - make sure they have been received by the university. You can either check inside Pathway or just call the main university admissions directly here:, to check that both have been received. If you haven’t sent those off already, do so today.

Some last minute advice and tips since we’re heading into the final stretch before the deadline:

  1. Make sure your grammar and spelling in your personal statement and short response essays are on point. Some words can be spelled correctly but used in wrong context such as “there” and “their”, so be careful as spell checkers can miss this. You’ve had quite a while in terms of editing, revising, and proofreading, so missing something like that really sticks out. Have others read your work so they catch little mistakes that you might not catch and see that it flows well.

  2. Always use the active voice (vs. passive): and separate your essay into Intro, Body, Conclusion which you probably learned back in the 5th grade: Those same basic rules apply here.

  3. A 500-word essay is approximately one page single-spaced, or two pages double-spaced. Generally, a double-spaced, 250-word essay takes up 3/5ths of a page in length. That doesn’t give you much room, so don’t go off into a soliloquy.

  4. Don’t use examples solely because you think it might appeal to an admissions officer more (as chances are you’ll be wrong). Those evaluating your application realize that you’re only 18 (maybe even as young as 16) in high school. More than likely, you are not going to have the same type of experiences a 22 year old undergraduate will have by the time they apply to med school. Use examples that really resonated with you because you’ll likely be able to write much more about it without sounding contrived.

  5. When you copy and paste from a word processing program like Microsoft Word into the BA/MD supplemental application, make sure that it looks the same. Things like formatting of text, paragraph separation, certain characters, etc. can really mess up when pasted into free text.

  6. Remember they already have your high school transcript with grades/GPA, your ACT/SAT score, a list of your ECs from school/leadership and ECs from healthcare, etc. each portion having however many points allocated to each. Don’t rehash in your essays your CV in terms of being ONLY a laundry list which I can easily read off your application. Tell me things that I CAN’T find just by reading a list - how were you impacted by it? What perspective did it give you that you didn’t have before you did it?

  7. Make sure that you list your ECs in the correct area of the supplemental application. There’s a reason why they separate out non-healthcare activities and healthcare activities. If you have leadership positions, list them. Make sure you accurately and comprehensively describe the activity/organization and your specific involvement. You are your best advocate in defending your own CV.

  8. If you’ve won honors and awards for a particular activity, put that into the description.

@Roentgen How would you recommend separating paragraphs in the supplemental application? It does not allow us to tab.

@chocolatina1001, I would use block format:

So instead of using the tab key for indentations to show a new paragraph starting in a single spaced essay, just use the enter/return key to put a clear, empty line between paragraphs, and still keep the text single spaced.

Thank you! @Roentgen

Pathway status shows ‘Test Scores’ under Completed Items, but ‘Transcript’ under In-Progress Items, with the headline ‘No outstanding to do item information found’.

Is this OK? Does this mean that UMKC has received my transcript?

@hoping2017, so for your high school transcript it will be under “In Progress” until after you graduate from high school and a final high school transcript with a graduation date has been received (as a senior you ask for a final transcript which verifies that you indeed graduated from your high school, to be sent to the place you’ve chosen to matriculate). See that here under “Step 2: Submit Transcripts & Test Scores”:

All this being said, I would actually call over to the main university directly just to verify that they have indeed received your non-final high school transcript.

Hey guys and gals, today is the LAST DAY to submit the materials needed for a completed application to the UMKC BA/MD program to be considered on-time. You have until 11:59 pm TODAY (this is Central time, since it’s in Missouri, so adjust for whatever time zone you’re in), but please submit much earlier than that time - computer systems can sometimes freeze with everyone logging in at once last-minute to submit.

  1. completed General Application for Admission
  2. completed BA/MD Supplemental Application
  3. High school transcript received (if you're a freshman in college currently, you will have to submit a transcript of your fall college grades by January 31st:
  4. ACT/SAT score report received
  5. At least 3 completed reference forms submitted online by your evaluators

Good luck to everyone!!!

so it says my application is incomplete on the pathway but they sent an email to me saying my application is ready to be processed. i don’t know how to feel about this -_-

@sona3599, Are you referring to the Supplemental application or the General application? Did you get any automated message when you certified and submitted the supplemental? (I’m assuming you’ve already submitted the general application a long time ago).


The UMKC BA/MD supplemental application portal thru the medical school is completely separate from the UMKC undergraduate general admissions application portal thru the main university’s website. The supplemental application will likely not have a direct connection to Pathway, in terms of application status updates. That’s why “the Pathway Checklist will only show the status of your test scores and transcripts, and will not show the status of any other application materials” (according to the UMKC BA/MD admissions web page).

Just make sure that you’ve actually submitted BOTH applications. Your file is not complete with either one missing. My guess is you get an automated e-mail message with each, confirming that your application has been submitted and received, after which further processing by the school will take place - hence the mentioning of your application ready to be processed.

does anyone know when we find out about an interview?