UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

@cookie101 It starts some where from 12/1 and goes all the way till end of feb. Few colleges where 2 levels of independent interview takes place (for example NJIT or TCNJ or feeder schools who does not have medical college and if they have their own interview before they forward the profile to medical college), it may start any time now.

@cookie101, since this year (unlike last year) there is only one regular deadline of November 1 (vs. the Early Notification Deadline of October 15 last year allowing you to find out in December), everyone will find out their interview status near the end of January:

@Roentgen Hi, I was wondering if you could give me some advice? Coming from out of state school, my school does not provide an unweighted GPA, so I gave UMKC my weighted GPA. Do you think I should email them in order to fix this problem and give them my unweighted GPA, I know they could calculate it themselves, but I wanted to know your thoughts.


So for the unweighted GPA, that is actually based off of only the 17 core requirements of the university (see here under “Coursework”: It’s not an unweighted GPA of your entire high school transcript like you might think. The main university’s admissions office pulls the courses that fit the 17 core requirements by reading your official transcript, not from any self-reporting on either application and calculates an unweighted GPA on a 4.0 scale, which is then used by the medical school. Obviously your transcript will only have grades up until the end of junior year, so most everyone will not have all 17 core requirements completed by the end of junior year.

The medical school will also take into consideration the rigor of the high school coursework/curriculum on your transcript which you’ve attempted/completed thus far. So you don’t have to send anything extra in terms of GPA calculation. The institution will do that on your behalf for the med school to use. Hope that helps!!

@Roentgen Sorry to keep bothering you, but thank you for your swift reply. So UMKC will calculate this GPA by themselves?

@PrayingHopeful14, yes, UMKC will calculate this GPA by themselves (the main university admissions office), so you don’t need to turn in anything more outside of your high school transcript.

I’m not sure if applicants can double check to make sure the calculated unweighted GPA from the 17 core requirements is correct, as high school transcripts can sometimes abbreviate course titles to where it might not be apparent from first glance that it fits under the 17 core requirements, but that’s something you can call over later on to make sure their calculation matches the number you’ve calculated.

@Roentgen Thanks so much for all your help. I hope you have a wonderful day.

Hey guys and gals, I realize the application deadline has passed (Nov. 1), but if you still have any questions about the UMKC BA/MD program specifically, about Bachelor/MD programs in general, about medicine as a lifelong career in general (at least thru the physician pathway) and how things might/will change for physicians in the future, questions about expanding your CV towards the goal of Bachelor/MD programs, etc. please post them in this thread.

I realize we don’t just have high school seniors here, but questions from those in 9th-11th grade who peruse this forum, are also welcome. Same for our great parents out there, I’m sure you have a myriad of questions and concerns as you’re going thru this process with your child, so feel free to ask as well.

Decisions about denial, invitation for interview, or waitlist will happen by the end of January according to the UMKC BA/MD website:, so we actually have quite a bit of lag time from now until then. You can see the full timeline here:

Hi Roentgen,
I saw your comment on different BA/BS-MD programs like UMKC and the most recent California NorthState. Actually, I am a parent of a high school senior in San Francisco that also applied to these two school. My son was notified by California NorthState that he is admitted to the program before Thanksgiving day. Your comment on the post about this school does not sound too positive. For UMKC, the invitation for interview will not occur until Jan 2017. I need your advise then between UMKC and California NorthState, which school will you choose if both schools are accepted? Also my son applied to overseas medical
School like Hong Kong University MBBS 6 years program ( Top University Global ranking is 30). What do you think of IMG coming back to US for residency? HKU is an international famous school. I think the Healthcare field in the US will be changing again from the Obamacare as Donald Trump is the next President in 2017. Hope you can send me a reply soon. Happy Thanksgivings. Other combined programs that my son applied are Penn State, Rosemont, USA, Temple, Drew University, UConn, st Bonaventure and NEOMED. Best regards, Philip.

Great questions @philiplaw!! So let me address them:

So yes, my comments (2017) and my post (2016):, are in the Official Threads regarding my opinion of the California Northstate Bachelor/MD program which was just recently created and given preliminary accreditation in 2015 (the ladder goes up to Full accreditation) by the LCME. It doesn’t surprise me at all that they’re giving out Bachelor/MD acceptances to that program this early. As I recall, when they first listed their requirements a while back, their GPA/SAT score bar was quite low(er) in comparison to other Bachelor/MD programs that have been around for a lot longer: 3.75+ GPA/1360 SAT/32 ACT for the 6 year program and 3.60+ GPA/1290 SAT/29 ACT for the 7 year program (all of which now has conveniently disappeared off their webpage): Combine that with the fact that it’s in California, I’m not shocked there is more interest in that school with high school students (probably much more than it deserves), since California lost their Bachelor/MD programs at UCSD and USC-Keck which were phased out.

So if I was made to choose between an acceptance at UMKC and an acceptance to CNU and I had to choose one or the other - I would go with UMKC. That doesn’t mean it’s the right choice overall, I’m just saying if you only made me choose one or the other (vs. going thru the traditional route at a great undergrad). Both medical schools are effectively in the lower/bottom tier based off of certain metrics, but UMKC has been around a lot longer, has a longer track record that can easily be asked for by students and parents (see my post link above discussing this).

In terms of applying to medical schools overseas, I will say that it WILL be harder to get into a US residency when you come back. As a general rule, US residency training programs tend to favor US graduates from US medical schools in the match (for a variety of reasons, that I won’t go into here). I realize there are internationally famous medical schools: i.e. Aga Khan, Cornell-Qatar, some medical schools in the UK, etc. but even then, the truth is that residencies here tend to want graduates from U.S. LCME-accredited medical schools in terms of preference. Part of that has to do with when you’re accredited by the LCME, there is an assurance of a minimum standard that the med school has met in terms of education quality that residencies can rely on.

Hope that addresses your questions and clarifies some things.

Hi all, for those that have interviewed and were accepted, how far in advance did you start your interview preparation? I know that is a very important part of the process for the UMKC BA/MD program. Thanks in advance.

@kkfields I started my interview preparation towards the end of December.

My daughter applied for 6 year BSMD program and waiting for interview. Anyone got interview date already?

@Pam1972 I believe they will let us know interview dates in middle of January…


Decisions about denial, invitation for interview, or waitlist will happen in late January according to the UMKC BA/MD website:

Will UMKC request for a mid-year transcript?

@Sona3599, no, UMKC does not request a mid-year transcript.

Happy New year. Does anyone know when does UMKC send interview letter?

Please update any information about interview so that we all can keep an eye on . Waiting is hard.

See my post right above: