UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Unfortunately, I was declined, but after reading everyone’s stats, I am realizing that I never even had a chance at getting accepted, lol! I am honestly just honored I made it to the interview stage.
In-state declined
ACT: 28
GPA: 4.0
Class Rank: 2/81
AP: none, school doesn’t offer it (I go to a very small school)
Extracurriculars: President of FCCLA, member of National Honor Society, sports managers, have two jobs (one as a pharmacy technician, one as a server)
Health Experiences: many camps, internship at the local hospital, some job shadowing, work experience…around 215 total hours.

Good luck to everyone admitted and not admitted. To people asking about why someone would not take the position, I was not sure I was going to take it if I did get admitted. I was not sure if I was ready to handle such big responsibility coming straight out of high school, especially since I kind of feel I’m at a disadvantage coming from such a small school. Everyone is different though, and I hope that everyone going to UMKC through this program succeeds. I will be attending Saint Louis University now and going the traditional route. I appreciate everyone’s help on this process through this thread and again, good luck to all!

@Roentgen thanks for the clarification.

Can anyone please create a facebook page for UMKC School of medicine for 2023?

@midwestFem, please see my post here: The med school’s Peer Mentors tend to create the official FB group page for the class in prior years, so there is no need for others to create one: I imagine the same will be done this year.

Thank you @Roentgen!. Yo seem to pretty much know every detail! Thank you again!

Students who got admitted - do you see anything about provisional /full admission. For me, it just says admission.

I believe they mentioned that if it says nothing, then your admission is full. Only if you were given provisional admission will it mention anything on your admission letter. You should call and confirm, though.


My understanding is that provisional admission requires you to take General Chemistry I lecture + General Chemistry I Lab over the summer and you have to earn a “B” or better in both in order to get full admission. Those who are “full” admission aren’t required to do this, but I actually recommend coming in with some level of General Chemistry credit anyways, whether thru the AP exam or taking it at a local college/university near you (or in the UM-System – UMKC, UM-Columbia, UMSL, Missouri S&T for GPA purposes). This is based off of your Toledo Chemistry Exam score, so if there is no mention about being required to take Gen Chem I + Lab over the summer in your documentation, then you should be a full admission admit.

We have a daughter in second year doing HSF2 at UMKC. She and her friends are proud of the program and and love the experience so far. It is very challenging and and the work load is very rigorous, but she is thriving and would not want it any other way. I have been following this very helpful forum for the last 3 years or so. Hope it helps-----

@midwestFem MY DS started a group me for admitted students. there are 22 students for now. If interested please let me know he can add you.

@rsmith0208 I was already added. Thank you.

Thanks @ffffxxors but I appreciate if somebody who got admission can respond on what you see in your offer.

@ffffxxors - my daughter’s letter…

Dear …,

Congratulations! You have been selected for a position in the six-year Baccalaureate-Doctor of Medicine program at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine.

Congratulations again, and we hope that you will choose to join us this fall. Welcome to the Class of 2023!

Thanks @WGSK88 but I was asking where in the letter UMKC mentioned about provisional or Full admission

@midwestFem - in my daughter’s letter there is no provisional statement.

@WGSK88 OK but did they mention mention about Full admission?

@midwestFem - my daughter is stating that if one didn’t score 40 out of 60 points in the Tulane Chemistry test which was administered part of the interview then one has to fulfill the Chemistry requirement by taking the Chemistry course this 2017 Summer at UMKC only before the program starts in Fall. They also stated during the interview that one can’t show AP Chemistry equivalent to get this waived or take the Chemistry subject somewhere else.

@WGSK88 @midwestFem,

Unless things have vastly changed (which it is definitely possible that it has), students are usually not required to move to KC in the summer just to take those Chem classes at UMKC. They can also take General Chem I + General Chem I Lab at their local college or university as long as UMKC accepts transfer credit from that institution: They have the option of enrolling at UMKC to take those classes if they want. If you were to not get the specific score necessary on the Toledo Chemistry Exam, that is when you’re given provisional admission status requiring you to take the first semester of General Chem (even if you are eligible for AP Chem credit).

This is the form from 2014 regarding the provisional admission/full admission issue:, which I’m sure will be relatively the same form for 2017. I would get in contact with the UMKC Med Office of Admissions to clarify your admission status so that you know whether you’re in fact required to take it or not, and if so, whether you have to take it at UMKC:

@WGSK88, my question was totally different. you must be refering to something not related to my question.

@Roentgen, I agree. I will call the UMKC Admissions office and get clarification on this. Thanks