UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

@Roentgen it estimates the chances of receiving an interview at UMKC after completing a 5-10 min assessment. We used it when it was free.

@bsmdhopefully RUC score = 85 which = 65% chance of getting an interview. DC ended up interviewing and was accepted.

@jessapen, is this officially thru UMKC or thru a professional college admissions company?

Tomorrow they extend offers to waitlisted people… ONE more day X_X

Good luck, @sampil. Here is how the process worked last year in terms of getting off the waitlist: I’m sure it will be relatively the same this year.

@Roentgen :Thanks. hopefully I will get in…

Anyone knows if somebody chose not to go?

i declined my offer for out of state

Thanks, bunny101! We are in-state.

Anyone get an offer from waitlist?

Anyone giving up regional spot. We are waiting for our son. thank you

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Are they going to send out new acceptance emails for all vacant spots today so that if you don’t receive one today, that means you are still further down on the waitlist?

Anyone get an offer from waitlist?

I did not get anything, I wish we knew our rank on the list so I wouldn’t be so anxious ! :slight_smile:

@Horay18 : Hopefully tomorrow. :(( Are you in-state, regional or OOS?

Im also waitlisted (in-state) and hoping that I will know tomorrow : (

In-state! Any idea on how many people were waitlisted to begin with?

i hope they get back to us soon

Did not hear anything yet…waiting is killing me L-)

@sampil, based on past years, it takes a while for the cycle to play itself out (if you see my post with the link above) which seems to run at 2 week intervals. Even those who are offered a spot off of the waitlist may not accept so then they have to go down to the next person on the list. It seems very tedious but it’s worth getting right and for them to be methodical about it.

Got UMKC offer off of the waitlist.