UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Did anyone receive any email today regarding the waitlist or something like the spots have all been filled? Thanks!

@JessieNK: Yesterday emails came out…I got in from waitlist/alternate list … Regional…

CC: Thanks for all your support

@sampil - Congrats!

Anyone from wait list, received offer letter from instate pool?

Congrats to you!!

Congratulations @sampil!!

@JessieNK , @WGSK88, @Roentgen: Thank you so much…

So I’ve been getting a few questions about undergraduate majors that are allowed w/in the 6 year framework of the BA/MD program.

So your undergraduate degree is given by the College/School within the main university, the MD degree is given, of course, by the School of Medicine. In order to graduate from the BA/MD program, you have to graduate with both separate degrees (so you have to have fulfilled requirements both for the Bachelor and MD degree). It just so happens that many of the School of Medicine required courses are allowed to fulfill some of the undergraduate degree requirements (this is through an agreement made between the School of Medicine and the specific Department/School specifically for BA/MD students, since our students are limited to 2 years of undergraduate work, and that specific Department/School gives the undergraduate diploma).

In the past, the BA/MD program did allow students to get Bachelor of Arts degrees in areas likes Sociology, Psychology, Communication Studies, etc. (once again thru agreement w/that specific department): As the school has cut down on the number of full semesters in Years 1-2 allowed in which to take undergraduate coursework and instituted credit hour limits per semester, it has made many of the undergraduate options even harder to do (and many of them may have already been, but it was still possible back then if you came in with a lot of testing/transfer credit).

Your choices as of now (unless things have vastly changed in a year) are the Biology BA, Chemistry BA and the BLA (Bachelor of Liberal Arts) in the 6 year framework. Again, not the best of options for those who maybe wanted to do a Business degree or an Engineering degree, or a more “marketable” undergraduate degree, but that’s one of the compromises in the program, which we’ve discussed in the thread.

Does anyone know, if there will be another round of acceptance letters send to waitlisted students. We are still waiting.

@pkasu1, it’s a rolling admission that goes in 2 week interval cycles for however many cycles are needed to fill the Year 1 class. The school will let everyone who is on the waitlist know when the class has finally been filled and the process has ended.

In state, hoping to get off the waitlisting soon!! This is my first priority school! ;))

Thank you Roentgen, Missourigrad, its our first priority school also. My son is also anxiously waiting. We are regionals.

I know of 2 regional spots that are going to open up for UMKC soon. Good luck and hang in there.

Any news for in-state, DoctorTO? Thanks!

It seems like the in-state pool is moving very slowly this year. There seem to be 6-7 in-state waitlisted here, but so far none of us has received good news.

Best Wishes to regional students!!I wish some spots open for In-state also!! :((

Thank you for your information, our son is in regionals. Not sure how many are waitlisted though.

Anxiously Waiting but it looks like no hope for In-state!

@DoctorTO, any information on how soon email will go out for regional spots. thank you

@pkasu1 probably 3:00pm today…Good Luck