UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Hi all,
can someone please chance me
From Kansas
GPA- 3.92/4.6
SAT- 1520 (720 Reading, 800 Math)
11 AP’s

JV and Varsity Debate
President of Badminton Club
National HS
Math NHS
Science NHS
Spanish NHS
Asian American Club
Volunteering at Hospital 200 Hours
Shadowed 8 doctors, 80 hours total
Library Volunteering 40 Hours
Worked at Kumon for 3 years
A few awards in Debate although not a huge deal

Also a few questions, I’m Pakistani so does that differ much from Indian American or are we all grouped the same. Do they consider Pakistani as part of the “other” category? And does it matter that I took the SAT instead of ACT? I’m trying to push it up to maybe 1540 or 1560. Please let me know, and thank you everyone. And I’m also looking for a medical club to do over the summer, would that help?

3.91* gpa my bad

you are regional so your chances are considerably higher than people (like me) applying from OOS.

that being said, it’s a very competitive program and a crapshoot for everyone
…unless you cure cancer

Yea you’re right, do you think I’ll have a chance though based on my stats? And to your knowledge do you have any answers to my some of my last questions? Also thanks for the quick response.

are you a junior or senior? deadline is in 2 days…

Sorry I didn’t specify, I’m a junior. Any idea of my chances?

So the stress of working on the application is over (for me, at least). Can someone chance me, please?

Race: African
Gender: F
State: MO
GPA: 4.0 UW- 4.356 W
ACT: 30 (27 math, 30 English, 33 reading, 29 science) :neutral:
APs: 3 World His, 2 US Gov, 3 Bio, 4 Eng Lang :disappointed:
Dual Credit (with UMKC): Am His 101 & 102, Western Civ 201 & 202, Math 120 (Pre-calc), Math 210 (Calc I), Stat 235, Physics 210, Spanish 110

I also took sociology, psychology, chemistry, and English at a community college that I plan on transferring.

NTHS, HOSA President, NHS Executive Board, Student Council Secretary, some local KC Health programs, UMKC’s high school programs (Saturday Academy and summer scholars), Hospital volunteering, church and general volunteering for about 6 years now, shadowing, no research experience…

That’s it for me…

@halamadrid00 you’re in state/region so your chances are much better than people applying OOS. Your standardized test scores and GPA are high enough for the first pass that is based on GPA/test scores so they will review your application. Right now focus on getting more volunteering hours (200 is pretty low) and also if possible, arrange a lab internship.

Most important part of these programs will be the essay though you still have another year before worrying about that

@ramen2020 i also have the 80 hours shadowing doctors and 40 for the library, but yea I’m still volunteering at the hospital so I’ll probably get around 350 by senior year just from the hospital. And, are my extra curriculars enough? Also thank you so much for responding quickly.

@Roentgen do you have any ideas about my chances at umkc?

I have in this unique situation. I got an employment in Missouri but my son continues to pursue his senior year in other state. we applied to both Missouri and other state but I am wondering if choosing one state over other will help. Mizzou says he/i can petition once he gets admission. My worries are more around UMKC for their BA/MD program since they allocate about 65 seats for in-state versus 10-15 for out-of-state. I am checking with UMKC but I do see lot of experts on this forum and seeking guidance.

UMKC residency website says that student derives his/her residency status from parent, if under 21, but when I checked with UMKC, they said, student has to be graduating from Missouri otherwise considered out -of-state. For me, it’s simple. I am already in Missouri and spouse has job offer in Missouri. Only that my son wanted to continue in the same high school, that we stayed put.

So my questions are

Should I get my son to Missouri to get his senior completed from Missouri high school?

How do I make UMKC consider him to be in-state, after they have already categorized him to be out-of-state? Is there a way?

Another question is - does it impact adversely to my son’s prospect (through GPA etc) if we switch state in senior year, half-way?

Need some expert opinion and maneuvering if there is scope here.

@puzzhard He is better off to directly hear from UMKC SOM (looks like, whom your son has already petitioned?) in regards to your son being considered for in-state quota for admission into BA/MD program, which honestly looks like a long shot to me based on what you have given above! Good luck.

If their policy is for the student to have completed 12th grade in the Missouri state, then he has no choice then transferring in the 8th semester, pending UMKC SOM making an exception. Again he is at the mercy of UMKC SOM’s Policy for BA/MD admissions.

Good thing is, he has time, as usually SOM sends out only interview invitations during the middle of January.

To answer your question regarding chances of getting as in-state vs out-of-state is a no brainier. Of course the probability is very high for an in-state to get admitted, but lot of other things also goes into effect (rural, ethnicity, rigor of curriculum, GPA, test scores, medical related exposure, etc.)

The other advantage is in-state tuition & fees which if your son gets admitted, then there is a good chance he can get it approved for in-state fee at least from 2nd year onward, if not from the first year, which can save him significantly in tuition and fees. In-state vs Out-of-state fees is roughly a saving of $190 K for all the 6 years combined in Tuition & Fees alone!

Good luck.

Thanks @WGSK88 for inputs and wishes.
Son has ACT 32, drum major for 3 years, shadowing experience in hospital and clinic, some clubs and charity work.
he is in process of petitioning, probably I will on his behalf (if I read UMKC process right). we are currently exchanging emails with umkc, trying to gain some basic info before heading that way.

we were in rural LA, indian origin, 4.0 gpa.
Hoping for the best :smile:

Anyone know when interview invites usually sent out?

@ramen2020 - Usually around Jan 16 - 19 interview notifications will go out via email and interviews scheduled Feb 10-13, 2020 (Usual expected dates. You pick one of the 4 dates and it’s first come first serve.) Things can change. For example, In 2018 interviews were split Feb 12-13 & Feb 19-20, 2018 due to system issues as they got delayed in processing the general UMKC application.

Hello, I would like to introduce myself to this thread. My son is applyng to BS/MD programs this year, and he will be applying to UMKC’s late by the end of this week. Will he still be reviewed for the program for an interview or will not be considered at all? I know this is a competitive program so that’s why I ask. He is OOS by the way

@TarzanDad - Good thing is they are accepting late applications till Dec 16! Given the fact they already receive 1600+ applicants which they already know for 109 seats or so, I am sure with right credentials your son will be evaluated and given fair chance, otherwise, I doubt they would accept late applications. OOS is already very competitive and it also matters how many applied from OOS this year and how their credentials compared to your son is? Very hard to predict or assume. Good Luck!

@Roentgen I applied to UMKC OOS for Fall 2020. I have a few questions but I am unable to DM you as a new member. Can you please PM me. Thanks!

Hey @hermionea, happy to answer, I just sent you a PM. If they’re questions of a more broader nature about the UMKC BA/MD program or the UMKC BA/MD admissions process itself, feel free to ask them in the thread, so that everyone in the CC community can benefit.

Hi everyone, I recently made an account because up until now everyone has answered any questions I’ve had except 1. It’s a question similar to @halamadrid00. I too am Pakistani yet whenever I go to some place like the doctors he has my race written down as white. I know Pakistan isn’t considered a white country in college applications, so would I be allowed to put down asian American and white, or only Asian American and I just don’t put white? I too am a junior so I’ll be applying next year. Any responses would help a ton.