UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

@adams99 - Pakistani Americans should be classified as under Asians (like Indian Americans - Since most race related question doesn’t further classify as South East Asians or Asian Indians specifically) as there is not much difference. This is the first time, I am hearing regarding white classification for Pakistanis! Instead of focusing on your race which you can’t help focus on GPA, ACT/SAT Scores and medical related exposure. As I stated in my previous postings luck also plays a huge role in these kind of selective admissions. Yes, it’s lot tougher case for Indian Americans, as lot more applicants are from this race category for most of the selective programs. Though UMKC doesn’t publish or for that no other universities, how many applicants from each race category? As I stated in my earlier postings, I would not be surprised, if 50% of the applicants are from Indian Americans for the UMKC BA/MD program. Good luck.

@WGSK88 do you know where you got the 1600+ applicants from? That seems a lot higher than in previous years.

I would not consider someone from Pakistan white. I would pick asian or east asian if possible.

@UMKCPanda - This year they did announce during the interview in Feb 2019 the following - Note applicants have been steadily increasing…

From My posting from Feb 2019:

For future applicants:

Application Statistics for class of 2024:
Number of Applications Received: 1576
Number called for Interview: 350
Instate Number Admitted/Accepted: 66
Regional Number Admitted/Accepted: 31
Out of State Number Admitted/Accepted: 12

For Class of 2025 they had similar number of Applications like class of 2024 and they are interviewing 352 applicants! About half of the applicants invited for interview are from in-state.

A good number of applicants increased in the last 2 years as Class of 2023 had only 1485 or so applicants..

Wait, who determines race. Obviously I get indians and chinese would be asian Americans, but like the other guys here, in the case of Pakistanis they’re between the Middle East and South Asia. Granted, probably 90% would be considered asian American but what about people who are different, and i’d say if you’re really confused check the race on your birth certificate, that can help you. Can anyone back me up on this or am I just wrong.

@jacob9999, @adams99, Pakistan is on the continent of Asia, so if both parents are of Pakistani descent, you would be classified as Asian, not White.

@Roentgen white in college admissions is classified as European, middle eastern, or North African descent. The Middle East is still in Asia. I think what @adams99 was saying was he’s Pakistani but he’s labeled as white too sometimes, leading him to believe that he’s part middle eastern too. Being Pakistani doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re 100% south Asian, you can still be part middle eastern. And like @jacob9999 said, if it’s mentioned on any official documents, be it a report from the doctor labeling his race as white, he might be able to put down white in his race category. Please double check me on this as I’m not completely sure.

Also, Pakistan borders the Middle East and is likely to have some people descended from the Middle East.

@daquan999, you can see here the race categories w/definitions as used by the U.S. Census, U.S. Department of Education (which allocates federal financial aid for students & higher education so colleges & universities have to at least go by these categories, when it comes to definitions & data collection of their students), and U.S. Office of Management and Budget:

According to this:

@Roentgen yea you’re right about that, Pakistan isn’t in the Middle East. But can there be someone who’s middle eastern and Pakistani, like they could have Persian or Arab roots too right? And also it their official documentation, like @jacob9999 said, if on the persons birth certificate if their race is labeled as white, can they identify as white or is it still restricted to asian?

@daquan999 @jacob9999 Only other thing that might help Pakistanis under asian american classification is their Islamic religious background. I understand Pakistan also has Hindu and other minorities. Universities also take into account religious diversity. As I stated things like religion or race is not in your hands. Just focus on the other main things like GPA/Test scores/medical background and hopefully luck is also on your side. Good luck.

Is shadowing and hospital volunteering enough for umkc? And if I’m from a regional state but was born in Missouri is there an advantage to that, or do they not care?

@wfhj9988 Yes, more exposure is better. Shadowing and hospital volunteering was what my daughter had when she applied for class of 2023. (Plus she also attended mini medical school. This is offered by a Dr in the suburbs of Chicago for 6 weekends giving exposure to what to expect in the medical school. Most intending combined BA/MD students or premed students attends this program during their Sophomore/Junior years of HS . I was told that similar programs are offered in other places as well.)

Regarding born in Missouri and currently coming under regional quota doesn’t make any difference, as we know a case where he was still only considered under regional and paying regional fees currently. Good Luck.

@WGSK88 So for medical experiences for umkc, shadowing, volunteering, and something like a mini medical school? Would those medicine summer school type stuff be enough for this, and also do you know how I could go into this mini medical school in Chicago, like where to sign up for it or if there’s any others near here? And would this be enough to get into umkc or would I need more medical experiences?

@gantua9090 - It’s tough to gauge or estimate, what one needs exactly to get an interview (first step!)? I have seen in some cases with all those credentials still some didn’t get an interview. This is where luck factor rolls in as the admission officer looking at your application is convinced, that this is the right candidate for the BA/MD program!

Understand they want to make sure you are 100% sure that you want to do medicine. UMKC’s BA/MD program is geared towards it. I was recently looking at statistics, officially there are about 70K students (Freshman) enrolled in the USA every year in the premed programs but guess by Junior year only about 35K students remain as permed. But in this program you don’t have a choice. Yes, people do get separated from the program due to poor performance or other reasons including medical issues. It does happen in this program as well but they want to limit it to a larger extent.

Regarding mini medical school - https://www.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/
They have the program in Jan/Feb, so applications are most likely closed. But they do have a crash course during summer which is all day long (If you are a Junior currently, this is the only option you have before applying for Class of 2027). If you are a sophomore then you can do the 2021 Jan/Feb program where applications will be open during Aug of 2020.

Good Luck.

@WGSK88 I’m currently a sophmore so I’ll definitely look into the mini med schools, and thank you so much for all the help you’ve given me!!


Would anyone know when would UMKC send invites for the interview…waiting impatiently…

@sajju786 - Typically mid January (15 - 20th) by email and usual expected dates of the interview Feb 10 - 13 based on previous years history. Things can change as in 2018, it was split to Feb 12/13 & 19/20, 2018. Good Luck.

@sajju786 slight addition to last post, back in 2018 we were notified on 1/26 for interview on 2/26 as a regional candidate.

Thanks @WGSK88 and @PPofEngrDr