UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

No, we did not receive any invites so far. we are hoping that we will received that in next 2 to 3 weeks.

How did everyone’s interviews go (for those who have had it)?

Mine went well! I thought UMKC conducted the interviews really well considering it was their first time doing them virtually.

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Any clue when will UMKC declare interview results ?

Good to know! What did you think of Toledo chem exam?

They said before April 1st, so probably during the last week of March.

The Toledo Chem Assessment went a lot better than I expected it to. It was pretty straightforward! What did you think (if you’ve taken it already)?

Thank you

That’s great! best of luck with the program!

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Does anyone know which CLEP exams are acceptable for this program?

my daughter’s interview went well however she ran out of time for like 7/10 of them. Since it was on online platform, it automatically would cut you off and take you to the next one. Would not finishing each mini interview on time can hurt her results?

No, as long as she was able to convey some main points all should be fine. They know that students will get cut off as that is the format.

Thank you!

You can see what testing credit and acceptable scores for credit are needed here:

Congratulations to the Year 6s (Class of 2021) at UMKC School of Medicine who found out where they matched for residency training today:

I’ll be doing my yearly analysis of this year’s match list like I do every year so that applicants & parents have a better understanding of how to properly interpret these match lists when it comes to med school acceptance decisions. It will probably be several days though and in that time you will probably hear if you got an acceptance or not, & then you get about a month until May 1st to put everything together and decide if this is really a program/route you feel comfortable doing.

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I’m pretty excited for this match list analysis. I am a current 6th year who has been on this forum since I was prepping for my application in 2014. I have watched @Roentgen analyze the match list to the best of his ability since the beginning, and I have agreed with most of his assessments and have disagreed with others, given that I had first hand information about the applicants themselves, their desires, and their credentials that he does not have given that I am a current student. However, I will say that @Roentgen gets a lot of the assessment pretty close to accurate. The school is certainly improving as I have had pretty involved conversations with the senior leadership and issues and other items that need to be changed. Overall, this place has dramatically changed since I started 6 years ago, but still has a long way to go.

I have my popcorn ready for this match list analysis though.

Thank you for taking the time to log in and comment.

I am nervous about USMLE part 1 going P/F and how this will impact match for the future UMKC students. Will there be a way for UMKC students to “prove themselves” and stand out without this objective test? Esp for competitive residency matches.

Although I will say that @Roentgen comments on AOA ad nauseam in his match list analysis because this is public information and that’s all he has. He does not have other information about 6th years like we as current students have. Overall though I think he captures the essence of what the match list tier is for a low-ranking, tier 3, state school, which I think is his point that he is trying to communicate to the parents and students on this forum.

Hey @mstppstp!

Thanks for following the thread throughout the years and your contribution to the thread as a graduating Year 6. I wish more current UMKC BA/MD students across the years of the program would contribute, but I totally understand why it doesn’t happen until the very end when people leave and are starting a new chapter in their medical training.

So one of the main reasons that I do the match list analysis (mind you this is my own analysis and I realize that other people’s interpretations/characterizations of the UMKC match list will differ, which is totally ok) is so that future applicants and parents can see overall in general terms where graduates of the UMKC 6 year BA/MD program tend to go. It’s only one snapshot in time right at the end (w/many contributing factors and circumstances), but in looking at several years’ worth of match lists, applicants/matriculants can see overall trends in the types of places (specialties matched into, geographic distribution, the type of program institution [university vs. commmunity-based, for example], etc.) our graduates end up.

In fact, in the traditional premed application pathway, it’s actually one of the questions they recommend that students ask:
Selecting a Medical School: 35 Questions I Wish I Had Asked. So for a traditional applying student that may have multiple medical school acceptances, match lists are just one more data point (along w/other data points like cost of attendance, etc.) to take into consideration.

My goal isn’t to do a direct link between specific individuals and their matches & why that specific person matched into that field & where they matched to. I will just say this, depending on the student, I actually do have a lot more pieces of information than just AOA (keep in mind we have PMs on College Confidential as well, so as you can imagine sometimes I get information that way about specific matches for greater/better context, although not often, so no one needs to worry). The reason I mention AOA “ad nauseum” (LOL) for particular matches is that often it can give a better idea as to why someone at UMKC likely matched into a particular specialty or at a particular institution within a specialty. I also sometimes intentionally leave out certain information I know if I feel it will identify the person too specifically or if I feel that person may get some type of negative backlash, which is not the purpose of me doing this.

Things I won’t be able to tell from looking a match list: if someone had a specific geographic preference (wanting to be closer to family, wanting to be closer to a significant other, etc.), if someone was applying to a specialty and a backup specialty and ended up in their backup specialty, etc. And as you mentioned, w/regards to specific individuals, current students around them often know those specific individualized situations even more closely, but that’s not my goal. In general though, parents & applicants shouldn’t judge an entire medical school based on one individual match.

But yes, you get the gist of what my analyses are trying to capture. Also (and I can’t repeat this enough), my analyses are not meant to be a reflection or judgement of the students themselves. I’ve always believed that the students we get are smart, dedicated, and hard working (if given the proper tools and resources) and we do that in a very highly compressed (I’d say too compressed in some ways) curriculum that differs greatly from other Bachelor/MD programs. As someone who has completed the program, went to other residency institutions, evaluated residency applications myself, etc. I feel at least pretty confident of where UMKC’s strengths are & weaknesses that they need to work on (you probably know this even better now). And as you mentioned, a lot of changes have been made (all medical schools do, it would be kinda scary if nothing in a particular medical school changed in 10 years), but as you also mention, there are areas which still need quite a bit of improvement.

One thing I have noticed at least from what students have said in the past on this thread, is that the UMKC School of Medicine does seem to at least listen to students’ concerns a lot more than they used to, so at least that’s a good start (it helps that quite a few people who’ve been there for decades in adminstration or on basic science/clinical teaching faculty have left, so there is less inertia to change now than there used to be).

Overall I appreciate @Roentgen’s match lists analysis. It gives the average student a pretty good look at what the average matches are like with the data points that he does have. A more nuanced view will only be available to the actual classmates.

An important nuance for students and parents on this forum to realize is that 20% of the class gets AOA, so if you are one who believes that AOA is a big part in resident selection then you can work really hard to get AOA selection. IMO 20% is a pretty big chunk that you can aspire to be in. However, at UMKC it’s selected by a student committee (other schools it’s selected by faculty committee + student input) of current members which changes every year, so some years it’s an objective selection and others it’s blatantly people selecting their friends. Unfortunately the Councilor doesn’t do anything about the potential for bias. I’d say AOA is decently helpful though, and 20% is a pretty big portion of students who can have this “honor” on their ERAS apps.

This year we had a significant portion of unmatched applicants, higher than the national average; I won’t say the actual number publicly, but I was surprised.

But yes, you’re correct that the school has made significant changes according to student feedback. Every semester they send out an email about changes that are made from student feedback, which makes me feel better. Obviously there are still major issues that need to be addressed, but it’s a step in the right direction. I’ve observed over time that changes in senior leadership have really pushed the school forward and changed the course of the ship. Would I recommend this place to a first year? Meh, medium, too much to go into.