UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

@speedyliv - Not sure if you need to take any note due to time limitation.

Notes to gather my thoughts for the prompt

:joy: Really, I am not sure if you have time. I really don’t remember if they let you to bring anything to MMI.

Hey @umkcdude, welcome to the forum! My job isn’t to be “positive” or “negative” with regards to the UMKC BA/MD program, although I have discussed both of those aspects in detail in this long running thread. It’s to be realistic and put aspects of the program into proper context for future applicants, matriculants, and parents. Especially as I have trained at other academic medical teaching institutions after graduating from the program, which also have their own academic medical schools and residency/fellowship programs.

So for example, at UMKC’s BA/MD program, we get quite a bit of training in Internal Medicine both in Years 1-2 and in Years 3-6 through the Docent program. So a natural question people might have is how that translates to Internal Medicine residency matches for those who may think they want to go into IM or do a subspecialty of IM.

The 6 year UMKC BA/MD program is a great fit for some people, and not so great fit for other people. A lot of things factor into that: Where geographically the person is coming from, what the person’s eventual specialty goals are (and that’s really hard to know as a Year 1, especially if your parents aren’t physicians or aren’t in the healthcare field), how much tuition the student (or more likely his/her parents) are paying, etc. It’s very individual specific. It’s a huge leap for any graduating high school student to jump into this rigorous program, no matter how academically prepared they may be.

In the past when the MMI was done in person, applicants weren’t allowed to have a piece of paper and pen to write prompts down, so practice the MMI without having that, as I imagine the same would be done virtually w/the MMI this year:

Oh ok, so the answering of questions from parents and students about the program will be the Monday before the interview and will be to a panel (although done virtually). I’m assuming it’s a combination of current BA/MD students and faculty.


Thanks, @Roentgen! Also, thank you very much, @Roentgen, for your time and effort. Would like to add few more realistic thoughts here for these higher achievers…

  1. UMKC BA/MD is a 6-year rigorous program and there are approximately 15 to 20 people won’t be in the same class after year 1 and year 2, do you have confidence that you can make it on time after year 2?
  2. UMKC BA/MD program has changed a lot – for example Year 1 Anatomy in 2020 is much harder than Year 1 Anatomy in 2017, do you have the self determination to put in the hard work? Btw, UMKCSOM is like family, and the support within class and up class is great :blush:.
  3. Please make sure UMKC BA/MD is your choice, and you are doing it for you :blush:
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Thank you for your contributions to the thread! I wish more current students would come back to the thread in different years of the program to give their vantage point, as I think it’s really helpful to applicants and parents. Different years of the program also have very different battles/challenges to face (a Year 1 in the program vs. a Year 4 in the program).

Could you tell us how Year 1 Anatomy in 2020 is harder than what it used to be in 2017? I imagine that COVID precautions have a lot to do with it, especially for Year 1 Anatomy lab. In what other ways has the program changed (since you said it has changed a lot)?

2 kids I know very well - 1 got his BA/MD in 2020 and 1 is in her 3rd year of program. I was told Year 1 Anatomy in 2018 was MUCH harder than Year 1 Anatomy in 2014.

There are many smart kids in this program. This 3rd year kid turned down Cornell, Georgetown, and WashU because she wanted to be a MD in 6 year, and I know there are many kids just like her! However, as long as you work hard and stay focused, you can get your BA/MD in 6 years. The support within class and up class has been great, they will be there for you if you ask for help!

Did any one received email with confirmed interview from the waiting list for UMKC? We are OOS and we know 2 our friends received Interview, but they rejected (from OOS pool) because they already selected for other BSMD program.

Have not received. Waiting list for UMKC. No updates since Jan 3rd week.

We are also OOS and my C has not received interview yet (waitlisted).

Thank you for the responses on wait listed interviews. Does any one know from previous years when normally UMKC notify on the waitlists if advanced to confirmed list?

Hi! Sorry to deviate from the present conversation, but I wanted to know if anyone knew the format of the letters of recommendation, it’s just that I know of someone I really want to ask for a letter next year (fall 2022) but I don’t want to take too much time out of their schedule to do so. Thanks!

If I remember right, there is a link that you send to the people writing you a letter. They can fill out personal info and their recommendation. It is fairly extensive and time-consuming. I imagine it should take them less than an hour though.

For those of you having your interview tomorrow, I would like to know how they are doing the set up in zoom. Meaning, will they just give you your prompt in the chat, present it, or etc…

And if you get to see the time that you have left to read the prompt and answer the question

@umkcdude, @md2025, @2021BSMD did any of you receive interview invitation from waitinglist?

Not yet. I believe they might be sending from March second week onwards