UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

I got accepted!

Stats: 1570 SAT, 4.9 weighted gpa
11 AP classes (all 4s and 5s except one 3)
National merit commended honor plus other local/state awards
Lots of leadership activities, including some I started
4 years varsity badminton, 3 years varsity volleyball

Hook: first gen, low income


Also from Illinois

Congratulations on your acceptance. Does your email say as to when you should commit to their offer.

My daughter got accepted, regional state. you should accept the offer by April.17th


By April 17th at 11:59 pm

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So unless things have drastically changed, in the past, students have had until May 1st (National College Decision Day). The timeline from this year seems to hold to that.

Hello, I know you’re very active in this forum so do you know, approximately, how many in state waitlisted students actually get accepted?

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in the acceptance email, they stated that we had until April 17, a month from the notification date, to make a decision. I think they want to see how many people accept their spot so they can take people off the waitlist before they commit to other schools.

Were you waitlisted after an interview or pre-interview?

I was waitlisted after interview, I’m in state. What about you?

Ok, Great! Your chances are good then since you already made it to the interview. All it will take for them to consider you is for a few students to decline. I am a senior member on the forum trying to help mentor the younger and smarter ones. I’m not an applicant. lol

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Thanks bro, I appreciate the words cause I’m pretty upset I got declined cause it’s my #1 choice lol, but yeah I think I still got a chance cause my ACT is low but they interviewd me so who knows lol, thanks anyways bro

Are you committed to UMKC?

Thanks for letting me know! It’s weird that they said that because on their BA/MD Application Timeline website above they didn’t change it, and it’s not like they haven’t visited the website, because they’ve updated it above where it says: “For the Fall 2022 cycle.”

If I remember correctly, previous years’ acceptances have come out one week later (usually after residency Match Day for the school), but I guess they figured that students have one whole month to figure out if this is really the path they want to take, and can get an earlier head start.


Congratulations to this year’s UMKC Medical School class from Match Day yesterday!!! :tada: :piñata: :mirror_ball: :partying_face:

I’m still waiting for some other schools before I make my decision. But as of now, I think I will attend. It’s just too good of a program to let go of

thank you!

For those who don’t know what Match Day is, here is a good explainer:

To those who wanted to watch UMKC School of Medicine’s Match Day festivities from Friday, here it is!

Does anyone know the chances for an instate waitlist, or at least the past years’ numbers regarding how many waitlisted students get accepted? Also, can anyone explain how the waitlist works in different regions, like, let’s say 10 are accepted from OOS and there are no waitlisted students for OOS, but there are 65 accepted from IS, could they accept another 5 from instate waitlist to fill up OOS, or is that not possible?