UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

So, I’m no expert on this by any means but I don’t think anyone would know the exact waitlist numbers because it likely differs year to year and is based on individual students’ decisions to accept/not. As far as I know, the in-state, regional, oos waitlists are all separate. This means if 5 in-state students declined their offer of admission then 5 in-state students would be given offers of admission. Hope this helped.

Thanks, I appreciate the information.

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Are all students you were not given admission are waitlisted? I haven’t heard a single student saying that they got an rejection …. Just curious

Did you get in!

It could be reporting bias, since people who got rejected don’t really have a reason to be on this forum. Most people who post here are people who got in or are anticipating getting off the waitlist.

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I am waitlisted too
But I feel nervous because no one waitlisted has ever said that they got in! … agree might be a bias

are you instate or regional?


few thoughts before the deadline of April 17…Choosing your college should be a selfish decision, you should make the decision for yourself and no one else, not even your parents. It’s hard to get BA/MD degrees in 6 years, and it requirements self-discipline and perseverance. If you don’t have the ability to follow through on your intentions and hard work, please please DO NOT go to UMKC BA/MD program.


Congratulations! Can you share the date you got accepted. I am in same boat. My reference letter went late so i was waitlisted fro i terview but got the call very next day.
Interview went decent but aam waitlisted. I am from stlouis and really want to be at umkc

Good luck to all for those who are waitlisted. Just got this info from my daughter about the number of students offered admission this year,
Total around 125
In-State: around 65
Regional: around 40
Out of state: around 20

Hi! How did your daughter get this information? Thanks in advanced.

I think she heard this information from a meeting of accepted students this week.

Thank you!

Good luck to all who go waitlisted! I remember the admission process and it’s definitely pretty exciting! My mom was super nervous back then, even though my parents were pretty sure I was in! Again, good luck!

  1. Did you get in after being Waitlisted…( after interview).
  2. And were you instate/ regional/ or out of state.
  3. Do you know when umkc will let know the status for kids in the Waitlisted category?
  4. Is it fair to expect them to notify on 18th week since those abmitted have to accept their offer by 17th?
  5. And since there was an accepted students zoom meeting…can someone from the accepted group let us know if toledo results for chemistry was revealed for them. Greatly appreciate someone who could answer these

Any one from the waitlist (out of state) heard anything so far?

Do know gender ratio of these admitted candidates?

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Congrats to those who are going to dive in UMKCSOM. Please take this summer off cause you will have 6 more years to work hard.

If I were from out of state, I would go to diff route to get MD unless $$$$$$ is not an issue for you and your family and you have your heart and soul set for UMKCSOM.

UMKCSOM is a wonderful program. You will have a new family who supports and cares about you!

Be good, be happy, and be safe :slight_smile:


Hello guys: I am waitlisted (regional ). I had a conversation with some kids who are in the program. The reality is that waitlist rarely moves for instate and regional. Out of state has some chance. I don’t want to sound pessimistic but it’s the reality. Time to move on …. ( UMKC was my first choice )