UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

They said at interview day that about 25% were from OOs but I think that includes regionals. They said regionals get some type of tuition break but OOS tuition is what is listed in the brochure

Heart Surgeon123:
when i went, all the guys were just in standard black suits.

when they decide who gets accepted, do they select a certain number from in state, a certain number from regional, and a certain number from out of state? thanks :slight_smile:

Heart Surgeon123: when I interviewed on the 8th every guy there was wearing a suit. colors varied but all were suits.

Newjack88 when did you interview?

And about acceptance’s I think it is actually like 65-70% in state and then th rest is regional and out of state.

january 23rd.

Thats cool! Yeah they said we wont find out till about mid-march. are you instate or out of state?

Who else has recieved interviews?

heartsurgeon, you should wear a suit. I’m sure you want to wear something different stand out, but sometimes standing out for wardrobe can work against you, especially the white pants–which may be seen as too casual looking, even if they are really nice.

White pants. Where are you from?

i would suggest lime green pants.

Yeah go with Gandhiboy’s idea. Lime green all the way. lol

did girls wear tights under suit skirts? inappropriate to not wear them? i’m not much of a tights girl hahah

I say white tight pants and a lime green halter. Should blow em away.

thanks for the excellent advice skiallday…

i didn’t wear tights under my skirt…you should be fine.

red90, you should in theory wear pantyhose/tights/whatever if you plan on wearing a skirt, it is seen as more professional and technically we are supposed to wear hosiery in the hospital, even if i kind of disregard that rule in the summer.

auralfixation I forget what year are you in?

thanks for the help, guys!

red90: i really wasnt being a jerk to you. Just couldnt get over the guy with the white pants.

red90: go with what auralfixation said. i’m a year 3 and if you want to dress the most professional as possible, wear pantyhose. its probably going to be cold on your interview day anyway.

umm why the hell are you guys worrying about what to wear? it’s not that bigga deal… jeez they’re not gonna reject you if you wear a normal suit or dress.