UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

They didn’t say - but almost 300 were interviewed and about 100 well be accepted… so if that’s any indication, there must have been a lot.

Hello, I am out of state and i applied to the umkc 6 year med program…i was wondering when we would find out if we got an interview or not…and if we had lower act scores could we still be considered?

i think that they sent out notices via email if you received an interview and sent out rejection letters if you did not receive one. From what i understand, most people should have heard one way or another by now.

Can someone actually tell me what topics are covered on this Chemistry test? or is it classified…

actually, amr725, there are only about 10 kids who are extending from second year. also, as of now, there are no more than 10 first years who have extended, but actually we should think of it as no more than 10 kids who are on probation. more importantly, the reason why they’re accepting less people this year is because generally they expect less people to accept the offer yet our class did not. also, in HSF there are a limited number of seats. but nevertheless, some 2nd years do not advance to this course NOT BECAUSE OF a low GPA (in which the minimum is 3.0, not 2.89 whatever) but because they got lower than a C in a class. they’re GPA was still well above the minimum, but according to the council on evaluation a D or lower in a course requires you to retake that course. which sets you back.

i would also just like to mention that just because you extend, which is NOT my case, doesn’t mean at all that u are stupid. a lot of people were under the pressure of two major science classes whose finals were a day apart. don’t underestimate these kids because some of the brightest ended up in this situation.

PS: don’t worry about the numbers. worry about urself and the interview cause once ur there, u’ll be shaping ur future of acceptance or rejection.

seriously, calm down and it’ll all work out.


The TCPE consists of 60 questions. They include the following…

20 basic algebra questions.

20 general chemistry questions:
• How does an element become an ion?
• Chemical vs. physical changes.
• The form of an equilibrium constant expression.
• Activity of elements vs. position on the periodic table.
• Isotopes.

20 specific chemistry questions:
• Names and formulas of simple compounds.
• Balancing Equations.
• Simple stoichiometry.
• Mass %.
• Density.

my interview is on Feb. 29th! anyone else on that day? btw i am oos!

hey guys, I am a 5th year in the program and kind of found this site by chance and was curious to see the different perceptions that exist for our program. I’ll try to address some of the posts that I had read.

I am probably not much help in the interviewing department, as I did that like 6 years ago, but I am from OOS (California) and can tell you that we started with 128 in our class, and now have about 60? of the original and about 20+ from the class above ours who extended into ours. I think our class was the anomaly though, most classes don’t lose that much? Some people would consider this a strenuous program, and it is definitely a lot different than high school. It has been all right thus far, I didn’t think it was that bad if you kept up with all the work. I also have time to go out, so it’s not like studying is all that I do. We are in school all year round with a few breaks here and there for the first three years, and then we are in school doing rotations basically 11/12 months years 4-6 (that one month is your vacation).

I don’t want to scare you guys with the statistics from my class, but I just want to point out that you really have to know what you want here (I had a two very good friends who decided that they didn’t want to be doctors after they had completed a semester) and realize that you gotta step up your game a little bit when you get here because everyone has stats like yours.

We had 18 people out of state (not including Kansas) at the start of our class, with 8 coming from California (that was the most, then I think Texas 3, Florida 3, so on). I think they’ve begun to take more people from OOS, but don’t quote me on that. The Toledo exam was super easy, so don’t stress about it. We didn’t have to take any reading exam, but I’m sure that can’t be that difficult.

For those who have gotten rejections, sometimes things don’t work out for some reason or another. Two of my younger friends from high school did not get interviews and had basically the same stats as me; one even got into the SLU program. It is harder for people from OOS, but don’t think that it is something lacking from your application. Many qualified applicants apply, but we just don’t have enough room for everyone. If becoming a doctor is your dream, you’ll get there.

Oh and if any of you are coming in the next few days, it is freezing ass here (18 degrees with a wind chill to like 0). Bring a coat, wear a suit.

Good luck to all of you.

For Those Who Had/Have Had The Interview,

Please kindly post your stats (GPA, AP/Honors classes, ACT score, ECs, In or Out-stater, …)


how many regional students do they interview and accept?

I got and interview with a 3.0 GPA and my ACT is a 24. I don’t have to many major EC and not to many hard classes. oh and I am from Cali

Ok so I lied! I actually have a 3.86 GPA and my ACT is a 29 and I am in Honors Classes like Calculus, college english, and AP Chem. I have a bunch of EC like Student council and National Honors Society and stuff like that. I am also from instate.

Anybody on the thread interview on the 8th?

how many regional students do they accept?

They sure accept a lot more OOS than they used to. Used to be about 90% instate. Seems funny that they take that many from OOS when it is a U of Missouri state school with state funding. Guess they like the double tuition.

hey im new here
what ECs do they look for
i am volunteering at a hospital four hours every week
i work (tutoring) for 12 hours per week
i am in all ap classes and am scheduled to take all ap classes my senior year
i have a bunch of ECs at school (NHS,Tennis…)
what more should i do?

We had about 15% OOS in our class, but they have been increasingly taking more people from OOS. I think they also offer a break in tuition to students from surrounding states, so that has increased the number of OOS applicants, too.

As far as ECs, I don’t think they are looking for one specific thing, as long as you are well rounded, everyone has a ton of different ECs, as long as you are honest on your app and can talk about what you’ve done and why you’ve done it, you should be fine.

I finally got an interview! Well I was just wondering what I should wear. A white pant, white collar shirt, white tie and a brown coat, brown belt and brown shoes or a black pant, black collar shirt, black tie and a brown coat, brown belt, and brown shoes? I thought the latter looked better, but its not a big deal i guess right as long as its appropriate attire. Anyways how hard is the toledo chemistry test? Any info would be appreciated.

By the Way I hope the rest of you guys and gals get interviews. Just hang in there and I am sure you will be fine. One of my friend’s brother didn’t get his interview till late March and he was in state so don’t sweat it. I know its hard to wait and it usually is depressing but I am sure all of you who applied are extremely intelligent.