UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

i’ve taken small naps in my office, but i’ve never spent the night in there and i don’t plan on ever doing so, but i know people who do it.

Anyone know if they are close to getting the entering class picked?

We should find out in a week or two.

Anyone know when people who get interviewed actually get notified whether they were accepted or not? They said mid-march but when exactly is mid-march.

I am obviously really anxious.

I think rally anxious is the understatement of the year right now!

In the past few years, the applicants have usually been notified about the first of April. I thought the mid March date was not going to happen. It always takes them longer than they say to get their decision made.

yea but usually they have interviews until mid march. last year the committee met for the first time the last week of march to select the class size, and sent notifications a little after the 1st of april. this year the last interviews were on February 29 and the selection committee met this last monday (i talked to mary anne earlier this week) so they should be done sometime this week and then they’ll take some time to prepare letters and such so decisions should be going out early next week or maybe even late this week. the school of medicine changed the whole interview process this year so that decisions could get out earlier, so things will be a little different from previous years

Anyone hear anything new about our notification letters? This waiting game is a killer.

i called them yesterday and they said it will come before the end of the month so there is no specific date, but they will send us a letter in the mail and also an email

are there any scholarships for the program

can anybody tell me what i should do in high school to improve my chances of getting in a 6 year med program

What have you done so far? Obviously you should get good grades and act/sat scores and do stuff like volunteering in a hospital.

BTW, does anyone have an official notification date yet? When I called them they said they had no idea.

Well if they have no idea, why would anyone else?

no, it is a valid inquiry. I remember that I received all my college admissions letters during the last week of march, my spring break of senior year. some classmates of mine found out by calling mary anne’s secretary even before they received the letter in the mail. I think it was a thin letter, too. so don’t freak out. good luck, and try to make the most of your senior year, no matter where you go to uni next year! and especially if you come here. :slight_smile:

they DID tell us that every letter would be a small letter.

Just wondering where is everyone else applying? Have you heard back yet? Are they al 6yr/7yr med programs.

So far I’ve gotten into Washington University in St. Louis (and that has no med program) and haven’t heard back from any of the others. I applied to eleven colleges so I have lots of letters to look forward to (or not) the last week of March.

They Sent Out The Letters Today They Should Be Arriving Soon Ahh

AHH that e-mail was such a tease!
I will be waiting by my mailbox for the next week.

ahh. i agree, that e-mail makes me so anxious. i can’t wait to hear already! good luck to everyone!

if anyone gets a letter can you please post on here…i hate waiting lol