UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Yeah this next week is going to kill me! I want to know so bad!

I want all of you who are waiting for a letter of acceptance/rejection to know that there is a possibility you could get a 3rd kind of letter: a letter saying you are an “alternate” on a waiting list, from which they may or may not accept students, based on the amount of accepted students decline the offer.

This letter will put you in limbo for a while longer, if you choose to wait.

Good luck to all of you, and remember that everything happens for a reason!

neo2000: here is a link to the UMKC scholarship page: [UMKC</a> Financial Aid and Scholarships Office :: Scholarship Opportunities](<a href=“]UMKC”>

If you are out of state, you’ll like the “Nonresident Taxpayer Scholarship.” Be sure to check that one out.

As for what you should do-- you want to be a unique applicant, as well as be up to par with other applicants with a great GPA, rank, scores. What will make you a unique applicant? Your volunteering experiences, leadership experiences, clinical exposure, etc. They look for professional, mature applicants that know for sure that they want to pursue a career in medicine.

Just got my acceptance letter.
It was a 8.5" by 11" size envelope.
You have to decide by the 30th.

accepted too.

just wondering, should we post stats?

yes please Newjack 2008. congrats, by the way, you two! anyways, where r u from cuz they sent the letters out yesterday i m from cali

did they send out an email at all, or only mail

for those that got accepted, please state ur stats, especially where you’re from and if you have chosen to go or not

thanks dude.

i live like 30-40 minutes away from UMKC.

mail only.

School: Private
Location: Kansas City, MO
GPA: 3.7/4.2
Rank: Top 5%
ACT: 32 (34 Math, 33 English)
SAT IIs: 700 Chem, 780 Math IIC, 780 US History
APs: AP US - 5, AP Calc AB - 5, AP Calc BC, AP Phy C (Mech & EM), AP Chem, AP Eng Lang/Lit, AP Gov

Important ECs:
-Varisty Track and Field all 4 years.
-VP of NHS
-Amnesty International Co-Chair, Webmaster
-Skateboarding (5 years)
-Various Tutoring and Mentoring Programs
-Mixing Music and Playing Electric Guitar (2 years/4 years)
-Computer Programming (9 years.)

Work Experience:
-Worked every summer since Freshmen year.

Medical Experience:
-Parents in medical profession.
-Shadowing here and there.

-Pretty good. Definitely benefited from having a lot of experience communicating with people from my job selling computers last summer.

-Pretty Creative.

i thought everyone got emails? confused…if anyone else gets in plz list stats if you dont mind…thanks!..and congrats to anyone who’s gotten in

the emails they sent stated that they mailed the acceptance, rejection, and waitlisted notifications yesterday.

did they send out an email at all, or only mail

mail only.

oooooooo…i thought you meant that they never sent you the email that said they sent out the accepted/rejected/waitlisted letters yesterday…oops!..nvm

has anyone else received the letter that’s not from in-state? This sunday (no mail) is really killing me

i’m from out of state and i haven’t received a letter yet. we will probably get our letters on monday or tuesday… =/

Can anyone who has been accepted tell me whether they are going or not and why? I’m having a hard time deciding whether to accept or not.

Can I just make a suggestion:
Make up your mind - there’s going to be tons of people who want to be in the program but are going to get waitlisted. If you don’t want to go to UMKC, let them know so one of those kids doesn’t commit to something else.

Yep thanks, already thought of that

I like how UMKC’s decision deadline is when most schools are just sending out their letters, real convenient.

i was just wondering, for the people who got accepted. did you guys get large or small envelopes? was it just a letter or did it come with a packet?

Awhislyle - when is the decision deadline?

April 10th… so yea there’s not much time to decide what you want to do.

It’s a packet.

What other schools are you waiting on?