Unavailable October SATII Scores!

<p>How long does it usually take for the people who got "unavailable" today to see their scores? Thanks!</p>

<p>Yeah, mine are unavailable too :(</p>

<p>It says it will take 7-10 days.</p>

<p>Mine doesn’t say unavailable, it has nothing there ,what’s wrong???</p>

<p>it only says registration completed, and i do not get my scores.it’s rediculous…</p>

<p>Mine are also unavailable…I have a November 1st deadline to meet!</p>

<p>can you send your scores later?a lot of schools would allow this happen</p>

<p>good. i thought i messed up on my registration, but since others have their scores unavailable, that’s reassuring</p>

<p>Same here, it says “10/9/10: Available”, but when I click on it the scores aren’t listed. It doesn’t say unavailable or anything, they just aren’t there.</p>

<p>Mine said unavailable earlier, but it appears that they are there now.
Try checking again.</p>

<p>Hmm, my s got his. Any chance you forgot to sign up for online reporting? This might have been a separate step.</p>

<p>Mine weren’t there in the morning, they’re there now.</p>

<p>Still nothing for me :-/</p>

<p>Mine weren’t there in the morning either, but I just checked and they are up.</p>

<p>Darn! It seems as if the problem has been sorted out for just about everyone else, but not for me.</p>

<p>Is there anyone else out there in the same position?</p>

<p>I’m also having this problem…glad I’m not the only one! I have gotten no message, and it says my scores are available. Should I call tomorrow?</p>

<p>I think I’m going to call tomorrow, you should too. I expect that we’re just going to get the “7-10 days” scripted response though.</p>

<p>I’m hopeful that it will be fixed within a day or two. Looks like there was just a little bit of an issue with the subject tests and they are quickly being posted, we’re just the unlucky last ones!</p>

<p>I still don’t have my scores. ****. I called and the lady had no idea why. She couldn’t explain why it says they’re available, yet there’s no scores. I asked if this was the same thing as a delay, and she said she had no idea…great. Damn Collegeboard. She also said she was writing a special report, which I think is bullcrap. Eh. I’m angry.</p>

<p>Any other people STILL not have their scores?</p>

<p>When I log in it still says “Please check back in 7-10 days” but I followed some links and my score is posted. For those of you whose scores are unavailable, did you click on the “learn why” link and go to your October test?</p>

<p>Mine says
check back in 7 to 10 days
So stupid</p>

<p>does anyone same here?</p>

<p>it still has nothing there,and it doesn’t say anything,i used my computer to call them but they couldn’t hear me, i am going to use a cell phone to call them instead</p>