UNC-Chapel Hill C/O 2011

<p>D was Accepted, w/ likely letter</p>

White Female
GPA 4.0 UW 4.95W
6 AP's, will have 12 by end of year
SAT 2250 750V 760M 840W
Several EC's and NMSF</p>

<p>what percent of deferred applicants are accepted?</p>

<p>nguyen0824--for early action, the decisions are ACCEPTED, REJECTED, OR DEFERRED. if you are deferred, you go to the regular decision pile, where you're either ACCEPTED, REJECTED, OR WAITLISTED.</p>

<p>is everyone's deferred letter like this?...</p>

<p>Dear ******: </p>

<p>Thank you for applying to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. After carefully considering your credentials, we have concluded that we must defer final action on your application until we have received your midyear grades and read the applications of our second-deadline candidates. I can appreciate that you have waited patiently for our decision, and I am sorry that we must now ask you to wait still longer. We will notify you of our final decision on or around March 31.</p>

<p>In the meantime, we ask that you take the following steps, which will enable us to consider your candidacy as carefully and thoroughly as possible:</p>

<p>Submit your midyear grades. You may submit your midyear grades online beginning at 4 p.m. on January 19 and no later than February 12. To submit your midyear grades, log into your UNC homepage and follow the online instructions. Please do not ask your guidance counselor to report your midyears on your behalf; even if your school insists on sending midyear transcripts, we still ask that you submit your own grades online.
If you have additional SAT or ACT scores that you would like for us to consider, please ask the appropriate testing service to send these scores directly to us by February 12. Our SAT code is 5816, and our ACT code is 3162. Since we receive scores electronically, you do not need to request rush or priority delivery.
In making our final decision, we will consider everything you have already submitted to us, the additional information you will submit to us, and the overall strength of our applicant pool. Additional letters of recommendation will not be necessary. </p>

<p>Again, I regret that we must ask you to wait. I will write to you again in two months with our final decision. In the meantime, I am grateful to you for your continued interest in Carolina, and I wish you every success.</p>

<p>Sincerely, </p>

<p>Stephen Farmer
Assistant Provost and Director of Admissions</p>

<p>That's mine...(the same deferred letter)</p>


<p>Public instate
white male
undecided major

<p>Do the decisions include honors program invites? Does anyone know?</p>

<p>ACCEPTED! (no likely letter)
White female
Public In-state - CMS
GPA 3.5 UW, 4.1 W
2 APs junior year; 4 APs senior year
SAT- 2070 - 700v, 730m, 640w
Major ECs: a lot of church related stuff (youth group, service project, mission trips)
Hook: I spent a week on the UNC campus for a leadership camp (maybe?)</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone who got in. I hope I get in next year!!!</p>

<p>Half a year left for you seniors! Still 1 and a half more years for me :/</p>

<p>I got in!
White Female- Non-US Citizen-France
GPA: 4.21 W 3.78 UW
1 AP sophmore year, 5 APs junior year, 3 APs senior year
SAT: 2020 M:670 R:650 W:700
ECs: created recycling program with local franchises, tutoring
Hook: Dual Enrollment at Carolina this past semester in a senior level Spanish course and came out with an A!
In State
Congratulations to everyone! For those of you who got deferred, do not give up hope!</p>

White female, in state, private school
GPA: 3.4 UW, 4.2 W
SAT: 2020 (710 cr, 590 m, 720 w)
six APs by the time i graduate (recieved one 5 and two 4s so far)
ECs: Editor in chief of newspaper, national honor society, youth legislature</p>

<p>Accepted w/likely letter
out of state
GPA: 3.96 UW
SAT: 2210 (1480 old)
10 ap's by end of high school, so far 3 5's and a 4
Extras: music- comm service, president, etc, med. research, health club vice pres, some spiritual stuff thats kinda neat. i was a ballboy at this pretty big tennis tournament haha jk i doubt they cared about that.</p>

<p>Accepted w/likely letter</p>

White Male
Rank: 2/176
SAT: 2140 700M 670V 770W
ACT: 33
5 AP's
OOS (Northeast)</p>

<p>Does anyone know if the online decisions included honors decisions?</p>

<p>Accepted , what is meant by "likely letter"?</p>

White Male
GPA 3.9 UW
Rank: 6/600
SAT: 2230 760M 760V 710W
OOS (Northeast)

<p>I got in (OOS from Kansas) with a likely letter and I'm a scholarship finalist.</p>

White female
3.93 GPA / 1st in class
2310 SAT (800W/800CR/710M)
32 ACT
Some major national debate and forensics awards, lots of leadership stuff, etc. Good (I think/hope) essays and great recs.</p>

<p>Wow... this thread is rather dead</p>

<p>accepted (with likely letter)
out of state
asian female
gpa: 4.0 uw
sat: 800 m, 720 v, 770 w
ecs - nothing extraordinary
7 AP's total</p>

<p>Has anyone received the official letter in the mail yet?</p>

<p>I got my official rejection letter today lol... I'm in Ohio.</p>

<p>I got mine today! It's my birthday too! It was a great present... :)</p>

<p>Son Accepted w/likely letter, no scholarship letter</p>

White Male
Rank: 1/450
SAT: 2000
ACT: 34
OOS (Texas)</p>