UNC-Chapel Hill VS. U Michigan

<p>which has better business program? more prestige? more recruitment?</p>

<p>Michigan (Ross) is a better program, but I personally like the UNC campus environment much more. Enough that I would choose UNC over UM.</p>

<p>Ross has the advantage over Kenan Flagler in terms of quality, prestige and recruitment. </p>

<p>I would agree with Slipper than UNC has a nicer campus enviornment, although it is not as extreme as he would suggest. Micigan itself has one of the best college enviornments, but UNC is slightly better. However, between Chapel Hill and Ann Arbor, I think Ann Arbor has the edge.</p>

<p>I choose UNC, all the way, no question, period!</p>

<p>Ross is better but if you can get into both schools, I would choose UNC because it has a better campus/weather AND is 10K cheaper.</p>

<p>How does UNC have a better campus environment? Michigan's is pretty great.</p>

<p>Ann Arbor can't be beat.. unless warm weather is important to you, in which case, go to UNC</p>

<p>UNC has a much, much, MUCH nicer campus than Ann Arbor (who is a whore, BTW). LOL.</p>

UNC has a much, much, MUCH nicer campus than Ann Arbor (who is a whore, BTW). LOL.


<p>She is a tramp, ain't she? <em>grin</em></p>

<p>I love Ann Arbor and will probably live here the rest of my life, but I hear fabulous things about Chapel Hill (I've only visited, haven't lived there). I love NC. If you got into both I don't know how you could make a wrong choice. Ross might be more pretigious, but the money factor (and weather, if you hate cold) may more than make up for that.</p>