UNC Kenan Flagler vs Michigan Ross vs Berkeley

Hey everyone, I’m a hs senior and I’ve been admitted into these three schools. Just a bit of context: I’m instate at unc and received a full tuition scholarship and assured admission into the business school. I was also admitted into ross and berkeley arts and sciences. I want to work in consulting, more specifically public sector, so if you were in my shoes which one of these schools would you pick?

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I would take the direct admit to KF and full tuition scholarship. Being able to go to one of the best business schools in the US for free with a direct admit is a no brainer in my opinion.


They are all top-tier flagships. Neither UMich nor Berkeley is measurably better than UNC - in fact, I’d consider Berkeley the least desirable of the three, even if costs were equal, because of the competitive admissions into Haas. Between the very high cost and having no guarantee of acceptance to the businss program, I’d cross UCB off. (If you need more reasons, the housing crunch in Berkeley was already bad before the pandemic, and having to reduce density in the dorms has made it even worse.)

Between UMich and UNC, I still don’t see a reason to consider paying the huge cost differential. I would say the same if the differential were in the other direction. We’re talking about over $200K over four years. I can’t imagine what could possibly justify paying that much more for either of these schools, over the other.

Think of it as a business case study. Consider all the things you could do with that money. (Invest it - how much would it be worth 20-30 years later? Grad school? Travel? A house?)

Everybody wants to feel like they have choices, and I can see how this could feel a little like “golden handcuffs.” But honestly, why would you turn down UNC with an offer like that? Congratulations!


No brainer - KF


So your talking number 7 vs number 3 and you can go for free at number 7… As stated above use this as a business decision. Compare the ROI. We all get it you want to go out of state somewhere. But is it worth $2,000/month payments for 10 years or longer? (just estimated)… That’s change I would rather put into a retirement fund or the market if its extra cash at that time. Figure out how much that money grows over time.

Nice to have solid choices.

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Considering you have full tuition and direct admit, I honestly don’t understand why you are asking the question.

Why would you not automatically chose KFBS?

Even without the full tuition, I would say KFBS with instate tuition over the others OOS rates, unless you have some deep desire to spend 4 years in MI or CA and money is no object.

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Great, thank you!

Since I’m in state, I’ve been able to visit UNC and understand kf but I haven’t been able to do so with mich or berk. I’m almost definitely going to kf, but I just wanted to make an informed decision.

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Great, tysm!

I grew up in MI. I then went to KFBS for grad school and never left NC. I am also a KFBS parent. I am not aware of anything your other options will get you over KFBS. They are all T10.

For example, my D has been invited to numerous recruiting events and case competitions where the other attendees are from the other T10s-T20s, including Ross (she’s never mentioned anyone from Berkeley). So, she’s getting the same opportunities that others are getting attending places where they are paying $50k in tuition.

Also, unless you have experienced a Michigan winter, keep in mind much of the school year there is cold and snow.

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