I got accepted into these three schools already but i am not sure which of the three would be more beneficial towards me. I am an African American Male whom major will be computer science. I am also part of the lgbt so I want to also feel included with my fellow classmates. I know that being black being in a HBU school may be more beneficial but is not completely sure. UNC and NC State have a good computer science program but I am not sure I will get more opportunity compare to NCAT and North Carolina Central. Wake is known for their small classroom size which would be good as well. I really want to be part of a school that will give more interships and benefits my degree. All of these schools I can pay for so money will not be an issue. My parents said a HBU school is good with connections but I want to hear some more inputs.
assuming you are paying for this for computer science Wake offers nothing over UNC or NC State. However, if you aren’t paying anything than assuming you mean Wake Forest a free private school is worth considering. (I know nothing about HBCUs). Are you paying? are you NC resident? NC State has both computer science and computer engineering which none of the others have.
I would personally choose UNC. It has a great national rep. Incredible opportunities and plenty of diversity. Most schools are liberal and your generation displays great tolerance for difference. You’ll have a great experience. If you were to choose Howard or spellman my advice would change. My two cents.
Yes I am a NC student but UNC and NC State is hard to choose. I know I cant pick both.
Yeah UNC may seem a better fit.