<p>ok.. more odd EC's of mine. see, i like these things and they each give a hint to who i am, and i def want to note them, but i'm not sure if i should stick to the basic, boring "soccer, basketball, softball, drawing, piano, work experience, etc.".. i don't think that explains your real, real passions and what you're interested in and what you could maybe make a career out of..</p>
i make t-shirts.. as in, i design a picture, word scheme, photo, etc., and then modify it for a t-shirt on my computer and then print it out on a high-quality printer and then transfer it to a blank t-shirt. and then give them to my friends (for free)! .. i'm sure this counts, right?</p>
<p>i do some investing and i've made a significant amount of money (relative to my age at least, and def. for what i started out w., which was just savings from birthday an xmas money, etc.. my parents didn't help), and i'm interesting in trading and whatnot. my parents don't help, and i started out against their word... </p>
<p>Also: i go to Mensa meetings (i'm a member).. so does that count as a club? i would think so, given that not any body can get in and you meet regularly to discuss issues, etc. and what about the poetic genius society? (i guess it's like mensa, but in adition to the IQ test, you also need to take a verbal test to get in and you need to submit your best poetry.)
--or do these count as awards, given the requirements for applying and being accepted?</p>
<p>oh! whenever i get the chance, or whenever i visit my father, i do activities like mountain-climbing (not really intense climbing), hiking, backpacking, camping, overnight sailing trips, white-water rafting, horse treks, scuba diving, waterskiing, skydiving (only once. dad made me stop lol), heli-skiing... etc. i don't do them on a daily basis (duh..), but i look forward to them for months at a time and do it fairly often. </p>
<p>.. there are more, i can't think right now.</p>
<p>point is: i'm interested in these things and i do them independently and not most kids do (or any kids do, really) .. so is it an EC? can i list it? should this take the place of something more conventional, like soccer for 7 years?</p>