Unconventional Extracurriculars - should I change something?

<p>I'm a high school junior and I don't really have many conventional ECs. I was a CIT at my sleep away camp for 2 months last summer, next summer I'm going with them to Israel and I volunteered with an old age home for a while, but for the most part my ECs are strange.</p>

<p>Here's a small list:
-Built my own computer
-A lot of little programming projects (Wrote a soduku generator and solver, rubik's cube solver, playable chess in Java, near unbeatable AI for Connect Four [quite proud of this one])
-Several mods written for various games ranging from some niche strategy games (Europa Universalis 3 and 4), Civilization 4, Fallout 3, Skyrim, and the Sims 2 </p>

<p>And something I'm not sure whether it counts as a hobby or an extra-curricular...I read a lot of massive history books for fun (history and programming are my passions). Last summer I read the Iron Kingdom (a 600 page history of Prussia) for fun and right now I'm halfway through The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (a very, very in depth look at Hitler's rise and fall, 1200 pages). I've read too many other books to count, but suffice to say I really like reading about history.</p>

<p>I'm not a member of any honors society or many clubs, though I was active in my school's GSA, environmental club and robotics club. I also don't play any sports. I'm also in an MIT sponsored programming and robotics competition (and it looks like we're going to at least make it to the finals), but that's it for contests so far.</p>

<p>As for stats, I have around a 3.7 unweighted and a 4.6 weighted. I don't know for sure because I try to avoid worrying about grades to keep stress levels down. I've taken 3 APs so far (US History - 9th grade, 5; US Gov't - 10th grade, 5; Human Geo - 10th Grade, 5) and am in 5 now (Euro, World, Comp Sci, BC Calc, Lang). </p>

<p>The only standardized test I've taken is the PSAT as a sophomore. I was half asleep at the time and managed a 209 (I remember rushing through as fast as possible to take a nap...I hated 10th grade and thought taking a non-counting PSAT was the stupidest idea imaginable).</p>

<p>Anyways, that's me so far. Do I look at least competitive for Stanford, Columbia, Carnegie (prefer not to go since the history there is ****ty), Yale, Cornell, etc? or should I take some drastically different approach to life before next year?</p>

<p>Edit: For what it's worth, I want to double major computer science and history</p>