Undecided on major... where to apply?

I have little to no idea what i want to do. I love learning, but i have never found something i could commit myself to doing for the rest of my life. So how do i pick a specific college within berkeley to apply to?


However, your major does not necessarily define what you will do for the rest of your life. What are you interested in studying and possibly majoring in?

College of Chemistry: chemistry and chemical engineering (chemistry may be done in the College of Letters and Science)
College of Engineering: engineering majors (computer science and operations research may be done in the College of Letters and Science)
College of Environmental design: environmental design and architecture
College of Natural Resources: some biological sciences (the main biological science majors are in the College of Letters and Science), ecosystem management, and environmental studies
College of Letters and Science: everything else

If you aren’t at all considering studying chemistry or engineering, apply to L&S. It’s easy to switch to CNR or CED.