Undergrad research adviser asked me to write my LOR

<p>To the point:
- asked me undergrad research adviser for a LOR for grad school
- he told me to "draft/write" one my self and he'd make it even "better"
- this prof is very lazy may I add
- Wanted me to write in essay form. Combined with the above point, I'm scared he won't even edit
- He's very new and I'm very sure he has not written many, if not any, LORs for grad school apps</p>

<p>If he doesn't edit it and turns in my copy, would I be pretty much screwed?
Is this common? I'm kinda scared now.
I absolutely need an LOR from my undergrad research adviser even if I have others that can write one. Also, I have already sent him the my "draft."</p>

<p>This is common. Professors do this often. It’s not the greatest thing they could do, but it is done.</p>

<p>Chances are he will edit it - they usually do; they just want a base to start from because editing takes less time than writing from scratch.</p>