Undergraduate School of Architecture: Syracuse and Carnegie Mellon University

<p>Hi. I'm slowly getting back letters from colleges but I think that I'm most likely going to have to choose between Syracuse and Carnegie Mellon University (I was accepted to both schools). I understand that according to DI (Design Intelligence) Syracuse is 3rd nationally, and 1st in the East Coast, while Carnegie Mellon is 10th nationally and 3rd in the east coast. However, I also know that Carnegie Mellon is all-around a better school than Syracuse in many ways (it is ranked 21st nationally in U.S. and World Report while Syracuse is ranked as 50th). Where is a better choice?
p.s. I have also noticed that there are no listed noted Syracuse School of Architecture alums, while there are quite a handful for Carnegie Mellon (Richard Duffy to name one).</p>