Unemployment and 2nd semester of colege

<p>My dad was wondering if we could get any grants for this semester of college. Both my parents have been laid off and are currently unemployed. Is there anything that we could do for this semester of college (public school) to get any help? like call the fin aid office or something? Do we need to file a fafsa or is that for next year?</p>

<p>For this semester you would have to file the 2008-2009 FAFSA which would use 2007 income. If your parent’s income was previously too high to qualify for grants, you will need to talk to your school about the fact that your parents have been laid off and see if they would make a special circumstances adjustment to reflect a change in the family financial situation. For federal grants your EFC would have to be quite low. </p>

<p>You should also file the 2009-2010 FAFSA for aid for next year. This would use your 2008 income. Again you would need to check with your school about an adjustment to reflect a change in circumstances.</p>

<p>Talk to your financial aid department.</p>

<p>You need to go to your school financial aid office and find out about a change of circumsstances form or paperwork. Generally speaking you would file the FAFSA now for next Fall. However, the FAFSA will use the income from the 2008 calendar year to calculate your financial situation.
Most schools have a form to fill out if your circumstances change but there are sometimes strict rules. For instance, I recently looked into it for someone at a UC and the rule is you can’t fill out the form until the parent has been unemployed for several months.<br>
Go to the financial aid office and find out the specifics for your school.</p>

<p>Cross posted with the brillant swimcatsmom :)</p>