I’m taking gen chem lab right now and was surprised to receive a C on the first worksheet (worksheets are short questions/calculations we do at the end of lab; worth the same as a lab report, though). I compared my worksheet to my friend’s and noticed we did the same amount of work and got similar answers. However, she received an A and is in a different lab section with a different TA. I got points knocked off for sig figs, not “annotating my calculations” a.k.a. not writing my calculations out in words, and other trivial formatting errors.
I emailed my TA about the discrepancy in grading, but all he said was that a C was “the average grade of the class” and I “shouldn’t worry about it.”
I don’t know what to do. Should I show how my worksheet and my friend’s and ask him to regrade it? Should I change lab sections? As someone looking into grad/medical school, I feel defeated. Any advice would be helpful.