My daughter is not sure which school she wants to attend for civil or mechanical engineering. She got accepted at both and has visited both schools, she likes some things about each school. At WPI she likes thT they ha e a major in architectural engineering which she thinks she may like.
Well, at WPI she can do either. I am a big fan of project studies, but the program is very different. She might want to review the differences and not just the availability of majors. I went there to study EE, switched to Management and ended up in Economics for graduate school then went on to education, environmental impact studies, tax law sales to insurance to organic farming (retirement job).
One WPI parent recently found out by way of this website that her freshman son was no longer a CS major, but had switched to Biology because of exposure to the field while he was looking around the possibilities in collegeā¦ See
You can always use a good education! Good luck!