Uniform questions...docfrance?


<p>I have a whole list of questions concerning uniforms that I hope someone like docfrance or one of the cadets will be able to help me with. </p>

<li><p>Being enlisted, I already have a full wardrobe of uniforms. Assuming I don’t have to turn them in (I’m not sure how that works), will I be able to bring them to the Academy so I don’t have to get new ones? Speaking of which… </p></li>
<li><p>…do we have to pay for those uniforms out of that money we never see?</p></li>
<li><p>Will I be allowed to wear my AFSC badge and ribbons? </p></li>
<li><p>Are the basic uniforms at the Academy the same as the rest of the Air Force?</p></li>
<li><p>Are the uniform regulations tighter than in the regular Air Force? For example, can you choose to buy elastic belts, patent leather shoes, sew your pockets shut, etc.?</p></li>
<li><p>Ok, this one might be a little difficult… my dad has some sort of gold decoration (I think it goes on the hat, in place of the usual silver thunderbolts and all) that were passed on to him from his father who fought in WWII. Anyway, he says he was allowed to wear these at the Academy and he’ll pass them on to me. I know I’m being vague, but have you ever heard of something like this? Anyway, I thought it would be pretty sweet to be able to wear a symbol of generational service and pride…do you think I’ll still be allowed to?</p></li>


<li> Yes, but you can't have them until after BCT</li>
<li> Yes</li>
<li> Yes, of course.</li>
<li> Shirts, shoes, yes. Everything else, no.</li>
<li> Leather shoes as a fourthclassman. Elastic belts? dunno. Sew pockets shut? Probably can do, but not sure.</li>
<li> Sounds like gold prop and wings. When you can wear p&w, yes, you can wear your grandfather's. Very cool thing that's highly honored.</li>

<p>Thanks for the info and quick answer!</p>