Union College RD Class of 2022

Hey everyone,

Didn’t see a thread for Union RD 2022, so I figured that I should create one. Decisions are being released March 24th, so we have 10 days. Who else is applying to Union?

If anyone is wondering, here are my stats:

GPA: 3.73
SAT: NA (didn’t submit them)
APs: Human Geography, US History, Lang & comp and Bio.
CIS (College in the Schools:) Physics and Writing
Honor’s: Chemistry and Geometry
Also took sociology and international politics for college credit at George Washington University at their 6 week precollege program.


Debate Team: varsity debater and captain, won 13 awards in 3 year debate career
SUSOSH (Stand Up, Speak Out, South High:) Political group at my high school. Serve on the workshop development committee, logistics committee, and I’ve lead workshops as well.
Young Women’s Cabinet: Appointed by Gov Dayton to serve on the Young Women’s Cabinet/Initiative. Voted on to the micro grant writing committee.

That’s about it. Look forward to seeing responses!

Hey! I applied to Union as a Psychology major!

GPA: 3.8
SAT: 1410
Excellent essays/recommendations
Mostly honors/AP classes
Good extracurriculars
Part time job/volunteer hours

Eager to hear a decision!

Hey @deligr129! That’s awesome!

I applied to Union as an econ major. Super nervous for decisions to be released, but I’m hoping for the best. Hopefully my decision not to submit my test scores won’t negatively impact my application.

Hello everyone! I applied to Union as a Computer Science major!

GPA: 3.86/4.0 UW
SAT: (Did not submit)
Good essays and extracurriculars
Great recommendations
Part time job at local library
Mostly honors/AP classes
Top 10% in class

Can’t wait to hear decisions!!

@raku did you do an interview with the school? ( I’ve been told that an interview is crucial to be considered for this school, and I didn’t do one)

also, does anyone know the exact date that decisions will be released? I checked their website, but I couldn’t find it anywhere.

They have accepted me yesterday morning with scholarship。。。

@athenasgal This Saturday

@langyuejiqiu Congrats!!! Are you international student?? We have heard nothing, did you find out email or portal??

Thanks and congrats again !

Hey @athenasgal- I actually don’t know. I hope not, since I didn’t do an interview either.

I’m pretty sure decisions are coming out on the 24th of March.

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They emailed me to check the portal.

We just have to get through this week guys. Almost there!

i applied for the med program so i got accepted early. good luck everyone!

Do you guys know if transfer decisions come out on the 24th as well? Thanks

@langyuejiqiu did you apply to a program that lets its decisions out sooner??

Two days let’s go!

Did anyone else ever get really specific emails from Union? I mentioned track in my application (not in my interview) and I got an email from their track coach about their track program a couple weeks ago, meaning they read through my app.

Did anyone else not get an email from them saying when they would release the decision?

yes, tomrrow at 7AM

@atehnasgal, You should be getting UNews emails. If you look at the bottom of a UNews email you’ll see a list of deadlines, and March 24th is marked as the decision release date.