<p>I am a 19 year old former Sixth Form Student from the UK with an unknown GPA. My GCSE's come to about a B average with a few school reports showing an attainment nearer to the A (4.0) that so many on here seem to laud nessecary for any serious college applicant.</p>
<p>Well, here's where the beans spill; my credentials seeming chisled and gleaming are about to slip-slide into relative mediocrity. I can only boast a batch of three and a half A levels: an overall C in English Lit, an overall C in Information Technology (a subject that utilises computer apps), an overall D in General Studies and a D in one year (AS, or half an A Level) of History.</p>
<p>My extracurriculars blossomed in my prepubescent years, and have since dwindled. I have been made aware that due to a lack of demand for extracurriculars abroad comparitively, the US will be far more leniant on UK and most Int. students. I can boast an interm period with a mountain rescue service for which I have an entire coursework assignment on (highly rated), a Level 1 in FA (Soccer) Coaching - Level 2 is being sought in this following year, and soon I should be able to boast being a willing volunteer and contributor to an outdoor activity centre and a local hospital.</p>
<p>Footnotes for consideration are that in my first year in Information Tech. I started the class late and actually made up for this with a second year overall A. Moreover, I have this vouched for in my student transcript, which also denotes my tendency to slump in exams despite my talent.</p>
<p>In my High School, and the following tidbits are the jewels in my warchest; I won a staggering amount of awards for attendance, attainment and effort. On several years I was recognised as the top student in given subjects and often would have won more if it weren't for the ruling that only one award is permitted to a pupil yearly. I won a "Half Colours" (with tie <em>chuckles</em>) distinction in GCSE Spanish in 2004, and in 2006; a Prefect role was awarded to me, thereby entrusting me with setting an example to my juniors, conducting lunchlines, safeguarding classrooms and attending school functions (open evenings for attracting new students).</p>
<p>Notable is that as a UK student, I have more years of any US required subject behind me than any American student would, as well as completed A levels (widely regarded as tougher than anything in American High Schools). I am taking a full English Language A Level this Janruary which I hope to get a C-A (maybe B) grade in and seek to take Italian and Geography at the same standard in May/June time.</p>
<p>My recommendations aren't short of superlatives and should serve as wholly beaming to any sub-top tier college. My transcripts are well written considering my schools weren't equipped to compile together such documents. The amount of photocopied school awards - vouched for in my transcripts - that are to be included in my posted applications should render me an enthusiastic individual.</p>
<p>Now we consider my essays. I am a strong writer who can wax lyrical about most essay topics, usually expressing boundless enthusiasm of mood. My essays should be amongst the stronger submitted to the colleges I am applying to this year; but I can't know for sure can I?</p>
<p>The linchpin in my skill set is easily creative writing; where most resplendent is my poetry. Two essays I have written thus far - one about travelling to an American ghetto on a whim, the other a surreal exposition on how a writer whom has had the greatest impact on me of late has also influenced my own style - have been capped off by subject-relevant poems. My poetry is likely to have more lyrical flair and individualism than any other found in this years college apps. This may sound a flaccid appenadage to hail; but my poetry really is quality. I can only be honest right? Lol,</p>
<p>The colleges I am interested in are as follows, so please pitch in if you have inside knowledge of any: -</p>
<p>Shimer College
North Park
University of Chicago
Loyola (Barely interested tbh)
Columbia C Chicago
Northwestern University Illinois
Northeastern Illinois University
Chicago State University
St. Augustine College
School of the Art Institute Chicago
St Xavier Uni
University of Illinois Chicago (not Urbana-Champagne)</p>
<p>New York:</p>
<p>Art Institute NYC
CUNY Baruch
CUNY City College
CUNY Staten Island
Colgate Uni
<p>Los Angeles:
California State University
University Calif Los Angeles</p>
<p>The reason why I choose these three metropolises is not out of English bigotry, no sir, but simply due to my demand to attend a comedy school; most hopefully The Second City in Chicago. Have no worries though, I could name as many American college towns as I could English provincial towns.</p>
<p>P.S. My "Prefect" status technically classes as an extracurricular and a leadership role. Also note my willingness to attend a lesser college for a year to build a GPA before transferring to better one.</p>
<p>Thanks for reading, sorry for the length!</p>