United World Colleges (UWC) Application Essay 2015 help

“Please write a statement of not more than 300 words explaining why you are interested in attending a UWC school or college. Describe both what you might contribute and what you would hope to gain. If desired, you may include a description of your background, family and any experiences you have had in meeting people from other backgrounds than your own.”

I currently have 404 words and the limit is 300 and I have YET to mention “a description of your background, family and any experiences you have had in meeting people from other backgrounds than your own” part. I fee like I am missing something. TIPS, EDITING?? PLEASE. Let me know if some things just don’t make sense or are repeated. What should I take out?

Have you ever read or watched something that connects with you on a deep level? This is precisely how I feel about the UWC movement and mission. Reading the UWC mission and seeing the lifestyle of UWCers I felt it was place where I needed to be, where I needed to learn, and where I needed to share. As soon as I discovered UWC through presentations, short courses and articles; and even further hearing about it from the alumni, I knew it was a remarkable opportunity to challenge myself both academically and personally. I fell in love with UWC and I know it would be an environment I would flourish in. I want to learn from and share with others and I know UWC will give me the tools to prosper and to create a positive impact in the world. UWC also provides the opportunity and encouragement to get into projects or ideas I often do not receive in Cayman. I’m not able to live by the UWC mission because I’m not encircled by people who are passionate to make changes. I also don’t feel I’m surrounded by as much diversity as I need to contribute to a vibrant education inside and outside the classroom like UWC. What also motivated me to apply is the possibility of receiving two years of IB education, guaranteed to be an active environment with vigorous academics, extra-curricular and CAS, which I desperately seek. The UWC movement appealed to my dreams of using business techniques to find solutions for social problems, develop my knowledge about the environment and breaking down misunderstandings and stereotypes held around the world. I urge to expand my knowledge and contribute to the diversity of the environment, and UWC was an impeccable match. I want to learn how to perceive everything from different perspectives, which I’m confident I will learn at UWC. I’m eager to learn and hear more of people’s stories and the world as I know how much I’m unaware of. I no longer want people to see a little dot on the map when they think about the Cayman Islands, but a face they remember from an excellent ambassador of the Cayman Islands representing the culture and traditions, named Derricka. I’m confident that after two years of studying at UWC I will be able to use not only what I have gained to cultivate myself and the Cayman Islands, but the world.

Hey, I am applying this year too! I hate those pesky word limits since “short” writing isn’t my strong suite. Anyways I just edited your paper and cut it down a bit (hope it was helpful).

Best of luck,

The UWC movement and mission connected to me on a deeper level. Reading the UWC mission and seeing the lifestyle of UWCers I knew it was the place I needed to be, learn, and share. As soon as I discovered UWC I knew it was a remarkable opportunity to challenge myself both academically and personally. I fell in love with UWC because I knew it would be an environment I would flourish in. I urge to expand my knowledge and contribute to the diversity of the environment, and UWC was an impeccable match. I want to learn how to perceive everything from different perspectives, which I’m confident I will learn at UWC. I’m eager to learn and hear more of people’s stories and the world I’m unaware of; I’m unable to live by the UWC mission because I’m not encircled by people who are passionate to make changes. I also don’t feel I’m surrounded by as much diversity as I need to contribute to a vibrant education inside and outside the classroom like UWC. What also motivated me to apply is the possibility of receiving two years of IB education, guaranteed to be an active environment with vigorous academics, extra-curricular and CAS, which I desperately seek. The UWC movement appealed to my dreams of using business techniques to find solutions for social problems, develop my knowledge about the environment and breaking down misunderstandings and stereotypes held around the world. With this unique experience, people will no longer see a little dot on the map when they think about the Cayman Islands, but a face they remember from an excellent ambassador of the Cayman Islands representing the culture and traditions, named Derricka.