<p>Could we start a thread of top schools that superscore the ACT?</p>
<p>MIT (characters)</p>
<p>Georgia Tech
University of Georgia</p>
<p>Washington U in St Louis</p>
<p>“In such circumstances, we will consider scores from each section of both the older and newer versions of the tests and use the highest score achieved in each section for our evaluation. This is also the case if you have taken the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT Plus Writing more than once.” [MIT</a> Admissions: Standardized Test Requirements](<a href=“http://www.mitadmissions.org/topics/apply/standardized_test_requirements/index.shtml]MIT”>http://www.mitadmissions.org/topics/apply/standardized_test_requirements/index.shtml)</p>
<p>Does Duke superscore the ACT???</p>
<p>I believe the University of Chicago does.</p>
<p>Could you post the link please? The following statement from Chicago’s website seems to indicate otherwise:</p>
<p>“We do not use the writing section of the SAT in our admission process. We will use the sections of the SAT Reasoning test with the highest scores when evaluating applications, along with the highest ACT composite score.”
[University</a> of Chicago College Admissions | First Year Applicants](<a href=“http://collegeadmissions.uchicago.edu/admissions/firstyear/]University”>http://collegeadmissions.uchicago.edu/admissions/firstyear/)</p>
<p>You are correct that it is not posted on their link. My friend has applied ED and was told this summer by an admissions officer that they take the best subject scores from each sitting.</p>
Chicago is EA. Are we talking about the same school? If so, the Chicago website I quoted is wrong because it does say composite score, which is an average of the four section scores for one sitting.</p>
<p>Duke does not, and I would be surprised is Stanford does.</p>
<p>Apparently Stanford does not … well, they will be ‘sensitive’ to individual sub-scores.</p>
<p>“We will focus our evaluation of test scores on the highest scores available (from either test). For the SAT, we will focus on the highest Critical Reasoning score, highest Math score and highest Writing score available (from across test sittings). For the ACT, we will focus on the highest Composite score (with the Writing) and be sensitive to individual sub-scores.”
[Testing</a> Requirements : Stanford University](<a href=“http://www.stanford.edu/dept/uga/application/freshman/testing.html]Testing”>http://www.stanford.edu/dept/uga/application/freshman/testing.html)</p>
<p>GoBlue81 you are right…my friend applied to U of Chicago EA-</p>
<p>I believe Amherst College officially announced that they are superscoring the ACT. I keep hearing rumblings on Duke. I asked this summer at an info session and was told that both sets of ACTs should be sent because they do consider all subscores- I did not know the term superscore at the time-</p>
<p>Also was told at interview with USC that they superscore the ACT-</p>
<p>From a post by a Chicago Admissions counselor from the UChicago forum: