University at Buffalo (Honors) [$18k] vs RPI [$11k] for Civil Engineering [first year net prices after scholarships and grants; renewal questions]

Yup, it’s only possible with UB. At least that and Excelsior could make UB a potential option for my undergrad.

@Ronin04 I think you need to make a spread sheet so you can compare apples to apples on this. I am concerned about how confusing this has been. Years 2-4 are an absolute concern, but please nail down Year one and what is in each aid package. Then look at what is not a sure thing for the other years and make a worst case scenario of how EFC may change.

Make sure you have the following broken out from your aid package in each row:

Costs you will be billed for:
R&B with options you intend to pick
Total of that

Other costs

Then your package and other forms of payment:
Summer jobs
Outside scholarships ( make sure neither school subtracts outside scholarships from your aid)
Work study
Student loans
Parent loans


Need to upload 2 documents for the Stem Incentive Scholarship, but I can’t log into my application on the HESC website. How can I log back into it?

Remember you can’t double dip; StEm, Excelsior and TAP all only cover tuition.
Call HESC for assistance. You will also have to send a final transcript showing that you graduated and have been discharged. I’m y the NYC DOE you do not get discharged as a grad until early July

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I agree with @MaineLonghorn. My husband is also an engineer and he tends to like and hire the public university students, and their training, better than some of the students coming from elite schools.

If you’re looking for diversity not only in people but also in coursework I would stick with UB. Of course, I’m biased, because my daughter graduated from there and has done extremely well. She’s a Hispanic kid from SoCal. But the thing with UB is that you can take a lot of courses, outside of the major, because you have that option, with all of the coursework at that large university.

You should do some simple addition and add up the cost of attendance, for all four years, at both schools.

Do it on the spreadsheet. Then subtract the guaranteed amounts from the totals. That’s it; you can’t pin your hopes on future money. You have to look at the overall costs and see if you can afford it.


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