University Delaware Class of 2027 Official Thread

UD was pretty generous, my 19 year old applied to 20 schools and although she didn’t get the same amount as my 21 year old (a UD graduate), it was still good (she fell in love with Clemson who was not as generous).


Thanks so much for sharing! It does seem like a neat major. I hope you enjoyed your tour!

We stayed at the hotel by STAR and football stadium. We never walked it, but our tour guide said about 40 min walk from Main Street. It’s 1.7 miles from where we started our tour (middle of the campus).

This is great to know! thank you! DD sees herself being happy at u del.

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Nephew got a reject from UDel EA. Was really hoping he would get in. Applied for Economics.
You can see my other post to get a sense of his acads (not stellar) but great ECs, LoRs and essays.
Congrats to everyone who is in and good luck to others who are waiting to hear!

We went to accepted students event this weekend, We loved it. Udel has now moved to dd’s #1 spot. Hoping for some money!!


Curious how the accepted students weekend was different than the Blue and Golden open house days for prospective students. Can you share any details?


My daughter was rejected by UD and is very disappointed. She applied EA, in Landscape Architecture. Her unweighted gpa is 3.91. SAT 1400. She’s bringing 1 AP and will have 21 community college credits. Plenty of extracurriculars, and internships,two honor societies (NHS & Tri-M). etc. Her first choice is UMD but was happy with UD being a backup as UMD is harder to get into these days, so now she’s more worried. On the positive side, she’s been accepted to 3 others, one with merit money. Her rejection letter said to get a year of college credits (like she’s already doing?) then reapply. Huh? Cant win them all but we’re just a little miffed.

Could it be a competitive capped major? My kids were all accepted, I was honestly surprised my son got merit in 2021 3.7 uw, 1390/30, a handful of AP’s. He was applying for business.

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Perhaps. But LA is one of those majors kids switch into later, as opposed to entering as a freshman. Her second choice major was Environmental Science but that wasn’t offered

You should contact your UDel admissions counselor and have a conversation with them. Maybe they can explain what in the application presented a possible issue or whether your daughter can seek admission for another major at Udel and then switch to LA later. I’m sorry you are going through this. These past 2 years have been incredibly weird cycles.

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OK that is insane. I would 100% reach out to them, quite honestly this actually makes me mad for them. My 2021 had a lower unweighted then that and went test option and had no CC credits and got in. Granted she didn’t get in with her first major choice but they emailed her and had her change it and then she got in. this is crazy. So sorry.


The only explanation is her major. Combination of limited number of spots and many students that can get in stronger schools applied to have a backup option. Her stats are great. Their explanation makes little sense, but bottom line they have enough competitive applications for that major this year. Another problem is test optional impact on average SAT submitted. It is much higher in every school because lower scores are not submitted. Good luck to your daughter!

The only difference was that everyone in the room was accepted. The room was pretty full of students. Had the usual campus tour and that was all. Wasn’t a big to-do that we’ve experienced at some other colleges with my older kids.


You have to pick wisely when applying for a major. I always suggest Undeclared as the backup, so you get your foot in the door and then select your major. I am really shocked that LA and Env Science are hard majors to get into. My brother-in-law owns a big Landscaping Co and their LA doesn’t make that much money to out weight the $57k/year tuition. Also, my husband graduated from UD with Env Science degree and he regrets it. He made $8/hr after graduating and always wished he was an Engineer. You take all of the same Eng Math & Scienc Classes without the Eng Degree.


My daughter got her acceptance the other day, and accepted into the School of Engineering (Environmental Engineering) Letter stated merit aid would be released in January


This does seem very strange. We’ve seen lower stats with acceptances. Are you In state or OOS? Perhaps it is the major, because otherwise it just doesn’t make sense.


In Maryland.

I was luckily got in back in Nov. (Landscape Architecture)

SAT 1460
GPA 3.82
9 APs