University Fellows Experience 2018

@ showoto - sorry to hear, but your journey is just beginning - best of luck, I’m sure there are good things ahead:)

Does anyone know when finalist decisions get released?

I interviewed on Wed. Jan. 24 and have not heard anything yet. My last name starts with M, so I don’t think that had anything to do with phone interview selections. I am anxious to hear about my finalist status.

Got my finalist letter in the mail today!! Very excited for the finalist weekend and meeting all the very incredible directors, current Fellows, and potential Fellows.

Congratulations! How exciting! When is the weekend?

Thank you very much! Finalist weekend is February 23-24.

Congrats, rolltideua & everyone else who got the invite for finalist weekend! My d also got notification yesterday, through the mail. As others have said in past threads, it does indeed look similar to a Wedding invitation -

The letter arrived today! It is addressed from the Honors college and is hand written. We were pleased to receive it with so many qualified candidates. Best of luck to everyone!

No word from RRS since application was submitted on Dec. 15th. D attended Blount interviews last month, but no word since the interviews.

I just received mine in the mail, as well. The envelope is white, not red as in previous years. I am honored to have been selected among such a qualified group of individuals.

I got the invite for the finalist weekend today! Very excited and honored to be selected! Congrats to all the other finalists! Does anyone have more information about how the finalist weekend works? Are the hotel accomodations paid for? And are parents expected to come as well?

Did yall do anything to rsvp other than e-mail them?

Does anyone know how many are invited for the finalist weekend and how many will be accepted to UFE?

Has anyone received a letter that they were NOT selected as a finalist?

No. The phone interview was 2nd to last week in January, was told decisions would be made no later than 2/5, and would be notified either way, but have not heard a thing. Disappointing and frustrating.

I think they said about 60 would be finalists for the on campus interview and only 7 or 8 would be selected.

@ Kimmel, have you heard anything?

I actually believe about 60 are selected finalists, and 30-40 make it into the program. 8 of those selected will receive academic elite scholarships.

Got the “no” letter on 02/15/18.

Do any of you know when the people who attended the finalist weekend find out about their status in the program? Is the information on the scholarship released then as well?

@Kollege -D Bolus told the parents yesterday that they’re hoping to have letters mailed this Fri; scholarships will be offered a couple of weeks later.