University Fellows Experience 2018

Does anyone know if it is appropriate to send a thank you letter or email after a college phone interview?

My opinion is that is always appropriate to send thank you notes anytime someone invests in you.

My son sent emails because they were making the decision so quickly, and he wanted to make sure they received the thanks, but written notes are nice and traditional.

My daughter sent emails as well.

My daughter sent emails and also followed up with written, knowing they would arrive after the decision. She loves UFE and Alabama so much, I think she may camp out by the mailbox the next few days. I bet you all are excited and anxious for the decisions to arrive. Best of luck to everyone! Alabama has so much to offer beyond UFE, it’s a winning situation regardless of the decision.

Please post in here once you’ve received finalist letters; I’m anxious to find out decisions. The ambiguity is killing me!

Anybody hear anything?

just came in from the mailbox, nothing… another day of my daughter waiting… anyone hear anything?

Nada, as of yesterday - our mail comes pretty late in the day.

Nothing in the mail today…the waiting is the hardest part.

Nothing in today’s mail… why do I have a feeling it may be next week! The waiting!!!

Our mail carrier is really starting to wonder about us… my daughter runs out and we all follow her!

Nothing today…

Again, nothing today. I hope it is this week. It could make or break college decisions, and it’s getting late!

Nada over here…feel like a stalker too.

A big ugggh over here

@6grands2kids So nothing in today’s mail?

Just spoke to the lady at the Honors college and they are being mailed this afternoon. It’ll probably be early next week so now we can leave our poor mailmen alone for a couple more days;)

thanks for the info…

I got my letter today!!!