University Fellows Experience

Hi @gusmahler,
Which part is unprofessional?

Promising to send acceptance/rejection letters to everyone, then not doing so. Leading people to simply assume they are rejected instead of just telling them that.

@gusmahler, the weather in the State of Alabama this past week has been particularly bad. It’s entirely possible your daughter’s letter got delayed in the mail.

If she’s already decided not to attend Bama regardless of the decision, does it matter all that much in the grand scheme of things?

Hi Everyone! I just was looking up something else and saw this thread and remembered that two years ago, my son had applied for Fellows and didn’t make it. We were just SO discouraged. As a mom, I just felt he would be the perfect fit but now, two years later…I see that he is a much better fit for the other activities that Bama has! Fellows is great for the small group of kids that get it but there are so many other good choices too. My son is heavily involved in leadership opportunities all over campus and loves every minute of it! There truly are so many GREAT options at Bama so if your child doesn’t get Fellows, please tell them there is so much out there. P.S. I HIGHLY recommend if your child is looking for strong leadership opportunities in SGA that they apply to the First Year Council. My son started there, as well as Freshman Forum. Lots of great, successful kids and lots of doors open from there.

I see. I’d point out that just because nothing has been received yet doesn’t mean nothing was sent nor does it mean nothing will be sent.

In any case, since your child’s decision has already been made, at least you can move on without needing to wait for the news.

Saying it’s not my problem doesn’t address the bigger issue. First, it could be my problem. We all know how moody teenagers can be. At least part of the reason she decided against Bama was because the people she met at UFE weekend were getting acceptance letters and she didn’t.

Second, the bigger picture is that there may be other people in a similar situation. Except they haven’t reached a final decision between schools. Their ultimate decision may depend on UFE making a decision. Not receiving a UFE decision harms that person’s other decisions because other schools may have deadlines coming up quickly.

Let’s assume that it was weather-related and the letters were sent, but delayed. It was still UFE’s choice to not post each person’s result on MyBama. It was UFE’s choice not to email the acceptance/rejection. Blaming the weather doesn’t cut it in 2019.

For right, or for wrong, I believe UFE has always been notified by traditional mail and I don’t think that changed this year. Sorry for your frustration in this aspect of the notification process. I wouldn’t call that unprofessional, however. Perhaps thats a matter of perspective.

just wanted to share our experience… my dd did apply for the UFE back in December… received a confirmation email that they received her application and that they will notify applicants via regular mail AND crimson mail.

However, they never did send regular mail requesting phone interview… only an email via crimson mail… which at the time my dd was having trouble checking… after returning from an out of state competition, she finally worked with the school’s IT department and got access to crimson mail… at that point she did see the emails requesting that she schedule a phone interview … 2nd and final notice emails … all missed that week… nothing regular mail.

Long story short, she missed the opportunity to interview by phone and possibly move forward in the process. she was upset … she did call and explained … but they said that they have already moved on in the process. at this point, she is fine with that reality and agrees with some of the above post… that everything happens for a reason - we are certain that some other opportunity will open to fill the time that she would have spent in this program.

@Cheertx, I’m so sorry that happened. She sounds like she has a great attitude and will find her niche at UA if she decides to go there.

@gusmahler, has she tried calling and explaining she never heard back? Was it UFE or bust? It’s a very selective program and not getting in certainly doesn’t diminish your daughter’s talents or potential for other opportunities.

Yeah, she emailed them today. They just got back from spring break, so she thought she’d give them a week to see if it finally came. Apparently, the only people in her group chat that haven’t received anything are also from TX.

For her, it was UFE or bust. I disagree with her and want her to go to Bama. But it’s her choice, not mine.

@gusmahler have you heard back from the email?

Nope. No email response. Still no mail response.

Hey! Does anyone have any information about how/when academic elite scholarships are awarded? Thanks!


Anyone heard anything yet?

I was hoping that someone who was admitted to UFE could help answer some of my son’s questions about the resume portion of the application.

Under “Academics” - should he include gpa, test scores, AP scores, etc? Since they do not want any identifying information, he is not sure if they will have his transcript to see these data points. Or is this box for some other academic accolades (NMF, etc.). Or is it for both?

Should he be more narrative in describing his leadership, service, honors/awards, and areas of interest (using “I”), etc. or should this part of the application be more along the lines of a resume with a list and very brief, non-narrative explanations (never using the word “I”)?

Thank you!

Hope everyone’s phone interviews are going well.

@look4advice my son really enjoyed his phone interview…now, we wait:-).

Any idea how long we wait after phone interviews?

@Bama59 Last year I think finalists received their notifications around February 4, so hopefully this week.