University Honors Program - worthwhile?

My S18 is considering applying for the University Honors Program and it would be helpful to hear from some people that have experienced it. The good, the bad, and anything in-between. At the housing tour, we were told that the students have a lot of get-togethers, planned and impromptu. I was just wondering if people thought it added to their college social experience or if it was just academic? My S18 is pretty mellow and we wonder if it is a good way for him to meet new people/friends. Thanks!

@trish02, I can’t speak for University Honors – my son chose Engineering Honors over University Honors, but many aspects are similar. The greatest benefit, in his opinion, is early registration. He has a significant advantage in getting the classes he wants/needs. Additionally, he’s enjoyed some smaller classes (25 students) for more open discussion. Some say the grade averages are higher in Honors classes, but it’s a wager because sometimes you’ll get an Honors class that is significantly more work/more difficult to earn that grade. University Honors students are usually housed together, and perhaps that may make for a more social environment. My son chose to live in Hullabaloo his freshman year instead of Mosher, which is primarily engineering students, but that did not put him at any disadvantage.

@lee6666 Thank you! I didn’t realize the classes were smaller and he could register early; that is a great advantage. I was looking at it more from a social aspect and didn’t realize the practical benefits. Now you have me thinking… I think we may need to re-evaluate our ideas. My son is going to study Physics and Physics Honors starts second semester. Thank you for sharing your son’s experience. How did your son like Hullabaloo? We did the tour and it seems like the nicest dorm, just really big. Was it easy for your son to meet people there? Do you happen to know if there are social activities for the residents? Thanks!

@trish02, My son really enjoyed living in Hullabaloo his freshman year – but it’s hard to get. It was new and updated. He and his roommate chose a 4-person suite, which was perfect. Got to know two other students well and widen their circle. It also has co-ed floors and the kids do all get to know each other. It also has very nice study rooms/areas on the ground floor. There aren’t as many dorm social activities as back in the day when I went to school, but A&M is known for it’s FLOs (Freshmen Leadership Organizations) and a myriad of groups and organizations on campus. No worries – there are plenty of opportunities to meet people and get involved! In fact, I don’t think I’ve seen such an active student body anywhere like A&M. Sophomore year, he and his friends lived in a 4-bedroom townhouse (U Centre) and this year are in a house in Bryan.

@lee6666 Back in the day…haha, I think that’s what I’m imagining. How things have changed! It is great to know about the FLOs and that A&M has an active student body. My son is pretty shy and it is good to know that there are a lot of activities and clubs where he might be able to find his place. Thanks for understanding my worries - he is our first one and it is all so new. It sounds like your son is having an awesome experience at school! You have given me so much information. I really appreciate it!!

My D was in University Honors. She is also quite introverted. The Honors dorms and activities (there are many) were instrumental in her meeting her group of friends. The academics and early registration were a huge plus. I also believe that being Honors helped her get additional scholarships throughout her time there.

She also lived in Hullabaloo as a sophomore. She picked a two person suite with private bedrooms. I didn’t like it for her because it kept her from socializing as much. I wish she had picked a 4 person suite. Freshman year in the Honors dorm was key. They assign students a “family” to watch out for them. My D felt like she belonged for the first time.

@Debbie7452 Thank you for your perspective. It is great to know about the honors families and activities and that your daughter found a good group of friends. I think my son needs to figure out if he wants to do University Honors or Physics Honors.

@trish02 I am currently in University Honors as a freshman and it is easily the best decision I’ve made. All of my friends are other kids from honors and it’s definitely a nice community to have to back you. There are always people in the hallways and we all socialize.

I am also a physics major too so if he has any questions about that, I can help him out.

@tnicoleb Thank you!!! He applied to Physics Honors and is still considering University Honors. It is great to hear that there is a strong community there.