University Honors - Which Honors Classes To Take

<p>My S is in the University Honors program which requires him to take some honors level courses. He is an Engineering student and is thinking about taking the first ENG 111 as honors. Is this suicidal? Should he take something else as honors?. </p>

<p>I have a daughter heading up in the fall who is also in the Honors program. She has a MyEdu account and what I’ve noticed is that the honors sections have a 200 series number while regular have 500 series. The grade report from last fall (<a href=“”>;/a&gt;) shows that the ENGR 111 honors sections have higher grades that regular. Draw your own conclusion but if your son is Honors eligible you might want to encourage him to give it a shot. BTW, the same trend exists for Chem 111, which she’ll be taking.</p>

<p>Of course, input from a current engineering honors student would trump my input hands down.</p>

<p>DO engr honors, the class is absolutely awful but exactly same for non-honors. I personally took it honors for engre
111/112. Benefits are a class of 48 rather than 100+, typically a better professor (both of mine were good), better TAs, and yes the grades tend to be higher in the honors sections. I am an engineering honors student that just finished my first year.</p>

<p>Yes most honors classes tend to have higher GPAs, that can be attributed to one of two things: the level of the
students in the honors class, or professors giving honors students a little bit of the benefit of doubt when it comes
to grades (I personally think it is a little of both).
As for chem I have no personal experience, expect that my friends that are science majors would cringe at the
sound of honors chem, but I am going to take Honors Organic Chemistry next semester, so we’ll see.</p>

<p>Also take Ends 101 Honors, or THAR 281 honors
Do not take math honors your first semester at A&M</p>

<p>Please let me know if you have any other questions, would love to help.</p>

<p>My son took Engr 111 honors. It wasn’t brutal at all. In fact, he and most of his friends found it to be boring at times and often comprised of busywork. He bemoaned the fact that this was the students’ Introduction to Engineering at A&M. He was told that they were trying to improve the introductory engineering courses to make them more interesting and enjoyable. Maybe that has happened since he was enrolled in 111. Either way, since the course must be taken, I would definitely suggest taking the honors version over the standard version. It is not hard.</p>

<p>For people who have already taken it the difficultly depended on what engineering track they were in. I was intrackA and it was brutal my roommate was in track B and his version of the class was a joke and awaste of time. I’m not entirely sure how they are conducting the class now that there are no tracks, everyone is in general engineering. I’ve heard as a rumor that it will be all track A, which is a doozy. It sucks up hours and hoursof your time. </p>

<p>Hi, RadHealth. I’m not familiar with the terminology Track A and Track B. Is that for a certain department within the engineering school? Or was it possibly new terminology for your graduating class? What determines which track you’re on, out of curiosity?</p>

<p>Tracks are/were for engineering students that entered 2013 or before. I’m not entirely sure how incoming freshman will be treated. I believe there will not be any more tracks for incoming freshman.</p>

<p>The tracks grouped majors and each track had a different version of Engineering 111 and 112.
Tracks are/were determined by specific major you are in.
Track A: mechanical, aerospace, nuclear, radhealth, biological, biomedical, industrial (and others I do not list below)
Track B: computer and electrical engineering
Track C: chemical and petroleum engineering </p>

<p>Ah. Okay. I never heard that before. I guess my son was in Track A, then. I assume he knew that. Hahaha!</p>

<p>But he still didn’t find it to be hard, just a lot of busywork. He DID comment that he saw other people’s graded work from other sections from time to time and was stunned at their artificially elevated grades. For instance, I remember one time when he told me that he saw an A paper from another section that would have gotten a D or worse in his own section. He said the consistency of grading between sections wasn’t even close. He complained about that in a course critique following completion of the course and was told they were aware of the problem and were planning to make some changes. Fact is, he really did not enjoy 111 much at all. But, his dislike for the course had nothing to do with it being an honors section.</p>

<p>Yes I agree with SimpleLife, I did not like the course but it was not because of Honors. Honors actually made the experience in the class a little bit better. One thing also is that in each 111 and 112 you have 3 group projects that you need to complete. Typically honors students are more driven and actually work so you have a better chance of having a good group in an honors section. I had one good experience with my group the first semester and a bad one the second even though I took them both honors. </p>