University of Alabama Admissions for Fall 2023

Same question! smart, HS football player, business major, wants to join a fraternity… from Philadelphia suburbs

D23 wants to rush and she likes the idea of doing honors dorm and a sorority house. She’s really the type of kid who needs all sorts of people/ experiences to juice her up and she thinks the contrast of having a quieter space and a more social space would be good for her. But we’ll see!


Which are the ones off campus for scholarship kids? Specifically where the student has their own room.

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Mine will be an incoming freshmen, female, 2023. She is an auto-admit for Honors and has been awarded the Presidential Scholarship. The National Merit award will also pay for on-campus housing. We are thinking Ridgecrest for Honors for likewise student roommates but are open for suggestions??? (she will only consider 4 bedrooms)

I think that is a great option. We toured Tut and it’s very nice and new, but my daughter just doesn’t want to share a room with someone, and I get that. I have a friend with a daughter in Honors College and she’s also in Ridgecrest and really likes it. They went all out on the decor and it looks great!

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From what I’ve gathered on Facebook, it’s Union on Frank and East Edge. I think they will match them with roommates or you can request specific ones, but I believe they have single bedrooms too.

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My son likes Ridgecrest West. He’s not had the fire alarm being pulled problems some of the other dorms have, which is nice. It’s a pretty easy walk to Lakeside Dining. It’s close to the student center and the engineering part of campus. Publix is about 0.5 miles, so not bad.

My D23 is putting in for Ridgecrest in the a.m. (which ever is the Honors one :grin:)

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Things must have changed. I don’t remember doing that last year. He picked his room in May.

Good luck.

I believe they are given priority to a window that allows them to choose a dorm preference. Then in May, is the room/roommate choices by these registration windows.

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Son received the acceptance letter this afternoon- where is the info about out of state auto-merit, etc? Didn’t see anything in the portal about it- does that come in the snail mail?

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Our scholarship offer came in a letter a week or two later after the big package. But the info is online too.

My daughter was just accepted OOS. It’s early, so she’s not 100% decided yet. Is there anything she should be doing now, though, to lock in her housing, etc.?

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You can either proceed as if you are interested with freshman deposit (non refundable) then housing deposit (partial refundable) or you can wait it out until y’all decide. Can’t pay for housing until you pay $200 freshman deposit. UA has mostly suit style dorms so if she doesn’t care which suit style dorm building, what floor, etc then you have time. But if she is particular on which dorm and/or floor then I suggest you submit everything as soon as you can.

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In same situation. DS was accepted today. Only took 2.5 weeks to hear. We still have 8 schools pending that we likely won’t hear from until December.

housing is a bit nuts there; but keep this in mind. as long as kid has paid enrollment deposit (nonrefundable) - a kid can apply for housing and get a chance to chose a roomate if the housing application and deposit is done by Feb 1. If a kid wants to try for housing after Feb 1, UA will assign a room and a roommate.

Just to update on our S22. He is a NMF living in honors in Ridgecrest South. We finally visited him the weekend before last. He started the year doing the STEM Path to MBA, but has decided that it is not for him. A Computer Science major, he is also taking several geography classes. He has been enjoying them and opted to double major in computer science and geography. He is also applying to a summer abroad program UA-in-Ireland for this coming summer. It so happened that while we were walking the riverwalk, one of his geography professors walked past, noticed him, noticed us, and made a point of coming by to talk to us. Now…this is a professor in an intro geography class noticing and remembering a student, and then making a point to make a connection with their family. S22 told her that he was looking into declaring the major (he had declared the minor the night before) and was applying to the Ireland program, which turned out to be her baby. That developed into a longer conversation where she explained the whole Ireland trip including the visit to her family’s farm. That was cool. Also…S22 is gay. All of his friends at Alabama are gay. He has several friends…just saying. Everyone finds their niche. I did suggest that he diversify his circle of acquitances.


Nice! MY D23 just finished all the paperwork. Payed the $200 and $175 and plans on Ridgecrest South. We are probably visiting Tuesday. Honors done, Stem to MBA done, Presidential Elite offered but won’t be a factor once the NMF Scholarship comes in. Its nice to have her #1 choice done already. She now is concentrating on outside scholarships that stack. Roll Tide!


That’s amazing! It’s wonderful that she is confident in her number one choice. Mine is all over the place. Unrelated, do you have a child at FSU, as well. My daughter is a freshman there now.

That’s great! Alabama was the first application S22 did and then he did so many more. And scholarships. It was a ton of work and turns out he could have been done so much earlier! If only we had known.

What is her intended major?