University of Alabama Admissions for Fall 2023

He’s probably not been to the Rec Center, but it is further out for sure. He did go to the Colosseum for the Career Fair and took a bus, since it was 97 and he was in a suit! Buses are good for those further away things, but classes are all pretty doable on foot it seems.


My son lived on campus this summer for Early College. He said a scooter or bike will probably be necessary to get around campus since all of his classes will not be in the engineering buildings and it is a hilly campus.

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Scholarship letter came in the mail today!
It is what we expected based on what UA says they offer for GPA/test score, but it is exciting that it’s “official” now!


D23 got her letter too! Same as what the website promised but man does this make it real. She’s waiting on some slightly more favorite prospects before she gets too excited but gosh Bama does this recruiting thing well.

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Good perspective. Sounds like UGA. My sophomore there walks everywhere. He does have a class that’s a 25 minute walk but that is the furthest he’s had. Buses are plentiful but he doesn’t use them.

After trying to get housing this morning, I take back everything nice I said about Bama and personally blame Nick Saban for their website issues. The man is a menace.

Is today the first day? Don’t stress too much about being first. My son put his housing in within the first week, but day 4 or 5 maybe? He still had a good time pick in May and everything still had options on his selection day.

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It was. The website broke. Probably because someone did a tik tok dance outside of Tut and it went viral.

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THX~ Got the acceptance email today… it took about 2 weeks.

Call all 'Bama parents- Would love any advice on where to put in for housing for a Freshman boy (well rounded, sporty) coming from northeast… wondering if there is geographic diversity in all dorms. Would love guidance on best options for central location and perhaps a quad w. 4 sharing a bath.


What is his major? Ridgecrest and Presidential are popular quad style suites.

Mine’s in Ridgecrest and finds it pretty convenient to engineering and the dining halls. He lives with 3 others and none of the 4 are from Alabama and none are from the same state. I think they are NJ, IN, TN, and MI. I think he is planning on living there next year, but in a 1 or 2 person suite if possible.

Business major…

Also, any insights on the best way / platform to find roommates or any experience with Living Learning Communities (LLCs) like pros/cons… thanks!

My son’s in the honors college and was accepted into Blount Scholars, but decided against that. So, no LLC, but I kind of wish he had one. He had intended to apply to Randall Research, but we had some circumstances that prevented that. He’s in the marching band and has met great kids there, but I think he wishes there was more ways to connect to kids in his dorm.

In the spring, kids who have signed up for housing will have a page for finding a roommate open. You fill a profile and can look through others. He decided it was overwhelming, so went in blind :). But I hope this year he will use it if he can’t find someone ahead of time. Sophomores and up are very limited for on campus next year, so it might be tricky.

Thanks…super helpful. Seems housing is still down. Seems no downside to getting the housing application done!

us too with acceptance! so fortunate that the housing portal was down today. fresh start tomorrow; 9 am.

fyi to @Luanne - my current bama kid could not get housing on campus his sophomore year. there are many options off campus; just keep that in mind. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Update on housing: Housing Application Update - Oct. 3, 2022 - Housing and Residential Communities

@bgbg4us - we are hopeful for next year. He has a housing scholarship, so he is included in those who can apply to live on campus. He would like one more year in a dorm before moving to the apartments. And it’s not very clear if the extra apartments are going to be extended past next July or not (the ones UA pays for for the scholarship kids).

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If anyone knows, what are the selling points of Honors College/Blount specifically? My kid has the auto-scholarship $$ and I’m trying to persuade him it’s worth doing another raft of essays, which he’s resisting.

Honors college will get you earlier registration, the honors dorm, maybe some smaller classes. Registration seems to be one of the biggest benefits, as it was a little stressful this summer hoping to get into the classes he wanted. Now, he’s in the first group of sophomores to register (based on credits), but still primarily in freshman classes, so he’s thinking he’ll get what he wants more easily.

He likes the quieter dorm.

The class sizes are smaller, but there aren’t many honors class options. He is in Calc 1 and there are tons of regular sections, but only 1 honors, so if it doesn’t fit with other classes, you are out of luck. They also have to take 2 general honors classes and 2 honors designated electives. I don’t really know if he will continue with honors if those become harder to schedule.

He was going to do Blount if he didn’t make marching band. But decided it would probably just be too much. We heard it’s a fair amount of writing papers. But he wanted a smaller group of kids to get to know.

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